Message from @Innaswamp
Discord ID: 485099158798204938
people have
Bog vids?
I'm genuinely interested in learning why is it bad
You're dumb man
@Slayzink Go listen to this
To educate yourself
Crypto isn't bad. But when you say 'where can I buy crypto' it tells everyone else that you don't really know what you're talking about.
Thus, putting money in (((crypto))) without at least a reason behind what you're doing is kinda silly.
For sure, but in the end it is a very volatile market and you could make much better money in the long term by doing small investments in a more well established market.
But, if you want to be all secret squirrel and stay away from ((((them)))) then by all means go for it.
It doesn't have to be about investing
It can be about learning the technology for yourself
I can support that thinking.
So, you gotta start with a base of knowledge - what this nebulous (((crypto))) thing is. Then you can start to get an idea of the various mainstream coins.
Yeah, I can support that. With more people accepting it as proper currency, it's going to be a good skill set to have.
make cash cash money
become the crypto billionaire and then buy a PK containment island
_pk containment island_
I don't trust rateups
time to contract save
I burned through a bunch in the last event
only got like 20 left lmao
I burned 120
I went from 100 cores to 4 and back to 100
“Rate up” lol
I have like 300 cores atm lmao
Quant did iever add u
Or you @Innaswamp ?
in what
gfl? probably
you did my man
yeah I did add quant
that's chinese