Message from @Nic386
Discord ID: 487808541428678666
U gay
@Ivan_M II there's gonna be a rokcy x tyler album
that pretty sweet
is gon b sick
Uhhhhhhhhhh fuckin uhhhhhhh *DAB*
God damn Atlanta has some good breweries
Too many niggers though
Hey @Sadmin you mind if I start /k/ommando wars 2: electric 🅱️ugaloo
@Maj. Asshole _grinds majestically_
@Runes <3
apparently im Antifa for pointing out poor bants
NEW Remington 700 straight out of the box
NEW Colt cobra that I noticed the day after it came in had no front sight
You're shocked why
I'm not, it's just yet another example
I am a bit shocked at just how bad the Remington is though
>freedom group
I thought the Rustington label was closer to exaggeration than fact
I no longer think that
@Nic386 Remington quit being worth a shit once they were bought by Freedom Group
I'm aware of that, I just didn't know it was that bad
going out to the bar for the first time bois. alone.
heres hoping i dont get robbed again lol.
take care
just shoot the nigger wyd lmao
a good idea for this is using antifreeze
and a fish tank cooler
to chill water
aka linus tech tips
@-={rostelle}=- im canadian.