Message from @Gangsta Micster
Discord ID: 488904860553707533
Plz its whiter than your socks in sandals wearing ass will ever be
no booli
I dont have white socks
i kill parasites
foxes n everything
@Inazuma get gud with practice
[Indian noises]
How much do you practise? @FUGUBARAKUN
every day
can't help it because sadmin keeps me busy and I have other commissions
@Maj. Asshole Hey, pal. Just stopped by to remind you to Rember happi day.
and you change you name to happi
@Maj. Asshole happy birthday
i just got an ad for fucking sport clips
Y'all are good. Especially @Maj. Asshole
>waiting on critical part for AW11
>finally get day off
>part isn't here yet, ordered on Saturday
>check email for Rockauto confirmation
>part shipped yesterday from halfway across the country
It's a fucking $5 sensor too
Shipping cost almost as much as the part itself
@d'Arta <:inshallah:489098822320914432>
You forgot just plain thots
Thots do not deserve attention