Message from @Maj. Asshole
Discord ID: 492256750028980245
@Saint_Kristoph Can I fuck that
It is currently 3am where I live, I could've sworn I just heard my home phone ring, but Caller ID has nothing on it since 2pm. This is how horror movies start
It’s time
@Maj. Asshole remember you are the homo
Kot boy
Almost like sarcasm
: ^ )
But who is not autistic anymore
Autism man
Cat dick
Chode eater
Chode owner
You don’t have a dick
I'm calling you a chode owner
You special ed +A student
That was fun
Thanks jeb
Very nice
Ya'll enjoy me sending a message to everyone in the United States later today
Phones, TV's and really everything
Wait no
It's October 3, 2018, beginning at 2:18 p.m. EDT.
@Carol yes
@Carol u gaye
Yes offer us pp touchs