Message from @Innaswamp
Discord ID: 499669959144898571
Fuck the bites.
@FireRising yeah i said Id be sending two
Fuck questions.-
>even Trans women thought the term "womxn" was retarded
"we would never use that term"- some pro trans group
>tfw the doc says you have a viral infection that you just have to ride out and it fucking sucks
Friendly reminder Florida is unkillable
>more than u fgt
@Innaswamp Having fun on the coast lad?
Litteraly nothing is happening
I'm sitting here eating spaghetti and jacking off
Same here. My dad thinks the power gonna go out but he's a pussy ass bitch so...
Because you're on the other side of florida smh
He's in Tampa. The Gulf side.
Mexico city is underwater
Up to roofs
And nothing value was lost
I know. But Tampa avoided it and Orlando... Well. Let's just say Mickey Mouse is probably the only one here with their knickers in a twist.
Although Sadmin, if any of us were gonna suffer from this storm it would be Swamp.
Hope no trees fall on my house.
>This storm has a lower mb than fucking katrina
Wife and I are at my parents because they are further inland.