Message from @Sadmin
Discord ID: 507269151442599946
@Kekels Mcshekels keep your /pol/ autism out of here you fucking fed
@Maj. Asshole mkay you kissless virgin
This fuckin guy lmao
@Orphans01 What do you think if I get a Mp5 over a a pistol AR?
He's a fed, please show respect
Its supposed to be a general thread yeah? Why you being a fag and censoring @Sadmin
Sadmin has no rights
He is a circus monkey that dances for our pleasure
What are you tagging me for
dis plz
It’s almost like there’s rules or some shit
I know crazy concept
I'm filling orders leave me alone
Shoot him with a fucking cicada
I've done literally nothing and yet I've got people bitching at me
>tagging Sadmin
I have no clue.
sadmin is toi
blame for alot but not this
Fucking wew
You cant be serious
This fucking FED retard
Hello fbi
Seriously, what the fuck is going on?
Nothing really
You got tagged because one dude is a retard
gib patches
This tard kept putting this gay pol shit in general
And it’s probably a honeypot because he’s a fed
Like some call to action shit