Message from @Reachrunner
Discord ID: 507268796927442973
Literally just glass Mexico
And Central America
God chat chimped out
Y'all sp00ky
whats diference between bren gon and type 99
Inshallah we will get them ☝️👳
Wouldn't be the first time the U.S beat Mexico
*heavy breathing*
@Kekels Mcshekels keep your /pol/ autism out of here you fucking fed
@Maj. Asshole mkay you kissless virgin
This fuckin guy lmao
@Orphans01 What do you think if I get a Mp5 over a a pistol AR?
He's a fed, please show respect
Its supposed to be a general thread yeah? Why you being a fag and censoring @Sadmin
He is a circus monkey that dances for our pleasure
What are you tagging me for
dis plz
It’s almost like there’s rules or some shit
I know crazy concept
I'm filling orders leave me alone
Shoot him with a fucking cicada
I've done literally nothing and yet I've got people bitching at me
For what?
>tagging Sadmin
I have no clue.
sadmin is toi
blame for alot but not this
Fucking wew
You cant be serious
This fucking FED retard
Hello fbi