Message from @Anticom
Discord ID: 509194067360350208
but i wanted to be with the highest mortality rate
Cav scouts dont do much
>Driving M113
>run into tree
>Trunk overmatches and penetrates the armor
>Entire crew dies
*skrrt skrrt*
You’re belief in votes making a difference is cute.
If you believe in votes making a difference on what the electoral college does then you shouldn't be old enough to vote
Feeling cautiously optimistic about the election
@Sadmin oi cunt why did you delete my comment on your post in the group
That was funny
Let me cast a vote from down under
Vote for Jeb Bush
Write in Jeb!
Kowalski, analysis
Dont we have a Pole in here now?
@FUGUBARAKUN re I'll just leave this here
why the fuck my hair sticky
and dry
Thanks, Yamaguchi
glad someone saw it
yall nigs better help me
rip shadowleech's hairs
this one hits me in the feels boys
I’m sorry Worthington
>knees start aching