Message from @Bald Eagle Jerk
Discord ID: 509378511786606593
I get the garbage addressed to the old tenants
I specifically didn't register to vote so I can avoid this kinda shit
tbh, I bet junk mail pollutes more than cars
In the long term
Think of all the trees
Not to mention the money it takes
I mean, I delivered 7000 letters, 300-500 packages per day. That's when I skip boxes and don't have box-holders as they're called.
My wife originally was registered Republican so we get the whole "don't let the evil commies win" mail
I was in the rural south, so houses could be right next to each-other or as far as a mile or two from each-other.
The route is 48 miles, so that's a lot of junk mail if I have to put it in *each* box
I love how they're mostly running on "IF DON'T YOU WANT *insert boogieman here* TO WIN, VOTE REPUBLICAN"
And that's almost every other day during the week-day, so I do seriously believe junk mail is worse than cars
And you probably got paid shit.
Not including your fucking local and state newspapers
It's the USPS, the pay is great
Oh, well that's at least good.
Yeah, it's a federal job so if you were in the military before not only do you get pref but, also your time in service goes towards retirement for it
Nah it's still super stressful and retards go postal
I loved it, I hate that I had to give it up
What are you doing in Sweden
Even as a weekend assistant before I became a full timer, I made 17.85
I moved here for the missus and shiet
We waz migrants and shiet to Swedistan
durka durka kebab
I'm sure you fit right in.
I don't cause I'm white
My fellow (((immigrants))) do not recognize me
Do you at least shit in the street like them?
No but, I have learned how to shout in Swedish "I will take your job."
Only Swedish needed.
It gets people to stop and go "wtf," if I yell it out the window with a fake arabic accent
Because for a year now we've had a high rise condo going up next to ours and sometimes the construction gets loud
Are you folks there just temporarily?
Gonna get dual citizenship or just become perma-swede
I mean, I'm not getting rid of my U.S citizenship, so dual.