Message from @FUGUBARAKUN
Discord ID: 518457759973376010
Kancho is alittle bit different
It's just shoving your fingers up someone's ass...
But kancho also just can mean enema
2 nukes were not enough
1 Nuke was enough the 2nd turned them into what they are today
So then
Let's add a third
So it's just jabbing someone in the butthole
Who wants to play a game
Man I fucking hate MPs
Literally riding my ass through base until I got off post
Flash your dick at them coward
Hot take: anything fucked up the Japanese have; the Germans and French have a version of it no one talks about
Already done. They didnt like the fact I put googly eyes on my sack
Fugu you forgot about the czechs
I tried to watch German porn once and I have decided some shit needs to remain hentai
Reich tentacle Doujins?
Why the fuck do people still stick up for McCain
Respect for the dead
I replied to someone alluding that the speech today on Bush wasn't Trump's right after I posted how he spoke from 1980-2000.
It's the same speech pattern. Then he goes on about McCain's treatment by Trump.
IMO, Fuck McCain, people learn in the military not to sing. It's one of the first things taught at Parris Island/any recruit depot. You're only supposed to give your social, and rank. He sang like a Songbird and was a RINO.
“When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability.”
Not everyone cares for McCain. The only ball drop was Trump not going to the Armistice event in France, and the Gold Star Mother incident.
I wonder how much this reply will trigger some civvie boomers. Not everyone in the military/in vet society is a fan of him.
Want me to ask the missus? She lived in Japan for almost five years.
Yeah sure thanks!
Apparently we've opened a nip dialogue chain because now she's asking her friends who are full blown Japanese/from there.
@Drogthodath the snow maiden (blue bottle up top) is pretty good. Unfiltered, good with Katsu Kare.
@Drogthodath fuck my bad I think it's the pink one.
Oh okay thanks! And what's karsu kare?
Think he means Katsukarē
Japanese curry