Message from @Fuerchtegott

Discord ID: 689293773167132677

2020-03-14 10:57:08 UTC  

this comment sort from the bitchute page sort of hits at what i'm getting at. emphasis mine:

What a dumpster fire. Bjerknes is too emotional to have a debate. The pouting, the rage quitting and then coming back is child like. This thesis is just Douglas Reed's thesis repackaged. And it's just speculation since there is no direct evidence that proves the claims. Douglas Reed has no evidence that Hitler's persona was manufactured by the Reichswehr, yet Bjerknes states these claims like they are facts. They aren't facts. *And it's just ridiculous what he's claiming if you think about it. It would require the Jews to be prophets who really have supernatural powers, or who had absolute total control over everything, to the point they could orchestrate a plot with millions of moving parts down to the smallest detail over the course of several years. They found Hitler and successfully manufactured him to be the perfect guy to take complete control over Germany. And they knew what everyone was going to do all over the world, and they knew Germany would lose WWII. They knew when it would start, when it would end, and who would do what at what time. And they did all this, rather then just have the communists take over Germany in the 1930s. Not to mention this detailed plan was supposedly established well before any of these events actually occurred.* I mean, Douglas Reed and Bjerknes are people who came to the table with a personal, emotional opinion about Hitler, and then they got behind this thesis. It's confirmation bias. People will believe whatever they want.

2020-03-14 10:58:55 UTC  

It's too magical

2020-03-14 10:59:29 UTC  

the only magic jews are capable of is the appliance of glamour spells

2020-03-14 10:59:34 UTC  


2020-03-14 10:59:39 UTC  

for sure

2020-03-14 11:00:05 UTC  

the name sounds like die guten in german (the good ones)
like jewels in english

2020-03-14 11:00:23 UTC  

and they go into prestige professions

2020-03-14 11:00:45 UTC  

and take on Names accordingly

2020-03-14 11:42:42 UTC
great, someone else put it up again

2020-03-14 13:36:01 UTC  

hitler would be a stalin at best

2020-03-14 13:36:19 UTC  

some guy the jews brought in and that completely backfired on them

2020-03-14 13:36:38 UTC  

but I dont even believe that for hitler, he was the real deal

2020-03-14 13:36:49 UTC  

the second coming

2020-03-14 20:01:06 UTC  

memetic chad history

2020-03-15 01:03:14 UTC  

recommended by michael shermer
very honorable by shermer
especially considering what concrete heads so called sceptics are

2020-03-16 02:47:16 UTC
the first 3 seconds alone
the son treading on the snek
worth watching

2020-03-19 07:40:28 UTC  
2020-03-19 15:50:51 UTC  

the anglo arrogance is stunning
germans invented printing press
next sentence
as soon as paper reached the continent