Message from @esotericpazuzuism

Discord ID: 679166772477296650

2020-02-18 00:50:30 UTC  

bro...... <:picard:429195062266691595>

2020-02-18 01:36:15 UTC  

Thot patrooooooooooooooled......*splorch*

2020-02-18 01:36:49 UTC  

"therapist" She was a former Playboy model who became a Sex Therapist

2020-02-18 01:43:03 UTC  

that happened to a friend of a friend

2020-02-18 01:43:15 UTC  

pushed off a 4th story balcony at a party

2020-02-18 01:43:19 UTC  

by angry grill

2020-02-18 01:43:24 UTC  

didn't die tho

2020-02-18 01:44:22 UTC  

why was the grill angry at your friend?

2020-02-18 01:44:25 UTC  

best part of the article is where it mentioned the roommate(s) ran screaming from the house to "seek help" before the murder

2020-02-18 01:44:37 UTC  

Instead of.... actually helping

2020-02-18 01:45:40 UTC  

women tend to so that in times of stress. they seek help instead of helping themselves.

2020-02-18 01:48:37 UTC  

it was a friend of a friend. they were fighting about some regular boyfriend girlfriend stuff and she snapped

2020-02-18 03:23:23 UTC

2020-02-18 03:23:49 UTC  

we not the 1000 plus coofer on the run in the country

2020-02-18 03:23:53 UTC  

or ms13

2020-02-18 03:23:58 UTC  

or the pedofile

2020-02-18 03:24:11 UTC  

or the illegals

2020-02-18 03:26:16 UTC  

all of my posts have been sincere and the FBI sucks fat wieners

2020-02-18 03:26:23 UTC  


2020-02-18 03:27:41 UTC  

the fbi, the doj, the cia, the state department all tell the democrats in congress what they want to hear, because the dnc and all thse departments are in cahoots with 'muh russia' - which is the biggest lie of all time

2020-02-18 03:29:13 UTC  

so these agencies and departments throw the democrats whatever bones they want, and the democrats do what they can to stymie the investigation and inquiries of the handful of republicans interested in getting to the bottom of it

2020-02-18 03:30:07 UTC  

and ofc, if white supremacist terrorism is the now ISIS-level of threat to national security, that reflects poorly on the guy they targetted since day one

2020-02-18 03:31:30 UTC  


2020-02-18 03:31:37 UTC  

there is evidence that russia collusion was discredited before mueller was ever appointed as special prosecutor, but that investigation dragged on for TWO years with the aid of FORTY fbi agents

2020-02-18 03:31:40 UTC  


2020-02-18 03:31:41 UTC  


2020-02-18 03:32:37 UTC  

so, when these shit head congress people (D & R), and liberal and conservative pundits, both try to convince people that there were just a few bad apples at FBI HQ, it's all bullshit

2020-02-18 03:33:05 UTC  

there were 40 willing participants to a snipe hunt, and not one of them blew the whistle

2020-02-18 03:33:28 UTC  

no lol they all dirty if they been there more then a year

2020-02-18 03:33:34 UTC  


2020-02-18 03:36:18 UTC  

the FBI is totally discredited as an institution with this behavior, and comey's replacement is doing fuck all to fix it. MO is to preserve the *appearance* of institutional integrity, rather than justice and reforms leading to true integrity

2020-02-18 03:36:28 UTC  

way too many people caught up across all branches of gov't

2020-02-18 03:37:20 UTC  

FISA judges, congress people in both the house and senate, and people in all thos departments in the executive branch including DOJ and FBI

2020-02-18 03:38:25 UTC  

the evidence is out there for the public too. it's not Q-larping shit

2020-02-18 03:38:42 UTC  


2020-02-18 03:39:59 UTC  

it's really bad

2020-02-18 03:40:38 UTC  

no shit kek

2020-02-18 03:40:42 UTC  

cia fuckery