Message from @snuffs
Discord ID: 277633840036577281
@Fallen check the announcements chat
@Fallen and twitter
based, I'll put it in there
Oldie, but a goodie.
Love it!
Thank you for the based posters and memes
Assume this is out of bounds.
@Anticom LR wat
Norman Rockwell American. Blond Square Jawed American
@Click How did you achieve your Drawfag abilities? Until further notice, I'm going to assume you're an attention whore from /furry/
ewwwww fuck no
I really want to utilize this in some way.
just been drawing since I was a wee lad is all
I think the national insignia is done
@Odalist Refrain Get rid of the Anti-Antifa part if you do. Obviously that is what this is, but it's better if our terminology rolls off the tongue
Very nice, Anticom LR
@Kawashiro This, also don't use the fuckin white pride symbol
I remember I was working on some RWDS flags and seals for my state before.
Yeah, we don't need to be Stormfags
I don't mind, but it's bad for publicity
@snuffs One minute
So, this our leader?
Think so
For now, I suppose.
Here's a big question.
I'm the creator of the twitter account, /pol/ thread, subreddit, and discord
Is our movement anti-jewry?
We should be focusing on classic American AntiCommunism
No. @ odalist
Or I would think it is
It's anti-commie.
Oh rip
Make of that what you will.
At some point, it all leads right back to jews. That's why I had to ask.
Hide the power level on the JQ as well