Message from @Trips

Discord ID: 682104028942958602

2020-02-26 05:52:12 UTC  


2020-02-26 05:52:51 UTC  

or use anything before windows 3.1

2020-02-26 05:53:06 UTC  

I miss AOL 2.7

2020-02-26 05:53:16 UTC  

Shit was all downhill after 3.0

2020-02-26 05:54:13 UTC  

The internet has to be treated as public communication. There is no privacy except IRL on the golf course.

2020-02-26 05:54:32 UTC  

Using Tor and VPNs draws more attention to you than no protection.

2020-02-26 05:54:55 UTC  

let them draw attention to papa new guinea

2020-02-26 05:54:57 UTC  


2020-02-26 05:55:13 UTC  

I mean there are reasons to do it. But if it's to avoid Feds, Tor and VPNs will make it worse.

2020-02-26 05:55:20 UTC  

They draw attention, but are mildly effective against fingerprinting

2020-02-26 05:55:38 UTC  

Zactly. Its for low level protection

2020-02-26 05:55:41 UTC  

i want to burn my fingerpirnts off

2020-02-26 05:56:10 UTC  

I use VPNs to have privacy from my ISP. But I know glowies own my VPN company, so I don't delude myself about privacy from them.

2020-02-26 05:56:49 UTC  

Yeah I feel like VPN is good to protect you from being sniffed on starbucks wifi

2020-02-26 05:56:52 UTC  

and maybe that's all

2020-02-26 05:57:20 UTC  

And yeah, privacy from the ISP, sure

2020-02-26 05:57:20 UTC  

Yes. They arent useless, just not a panacea

2020-02-26 05:57:31 UTC  

They are good for torrenting

2020-02-26 05:57:49 UTC  

ok, what do you recommend for anti glow(redacted) measures?

2020-02-26 05:57:53 UTC  

If I did any kinda of piracy I'd likely use one

2020-02-26 05:57:59 UTC  

I really don't have the need tho

2020-02-26 05:58:31 UTC  

not pirating games is a bluepill

2020-02-26 05:58:45 UTC  

you only need security stuff if you have something to hide,
I don't mind if the FBI fap to the same porn I do...

2020-02-26 05:58:56 UTC  

I don't pirate games cause I actually have respect for the effort put in to development

2020-02-26 05:59:11 UTC  

I don't feel the same way about all media

2020-02-26 05:59:31 UTC  

Probably just an arbitrary distinction in my mind but oh well

2020-02-26 06:02:14 UTC  

am i natty after eating bull testicles?

2020-02-26 06:08:59 UTC  

@marstomper PGP is pretty good if you just want to send someone a private message. Retroshare is an open source chat client that uses PGP.

I set one up a while back and tried get people to join, but it's not intuitive, and people are too lazy and stupid to bother. Only Fugeur joined.

2020-02-26 06:09:28 UTC  

The best thing to do for normies is just choose your glowies.

2020-02-26 06:09:52 UTC  

Discord is Israeli owned glowies. Telegram is Russian owned glowies.

2020-02-26 06:16:15 UTC  

"Nothing to hide, nothing to worry about"
Kinda true tbh

2020-02-26 06:16:25 UTC  

Being doxxed would be ebic

2020-02-26 06:17:07 UTC  

Isn't Telegram a Facebook property?

2020-02-26 06:18:19 UTC  

Today two men walked into our state capitol with loaded ARs
Not illegal apparently

2020-02-26 06:18:28 UTC  

Just for shits

2020-02-26 06:18:55 UTC  

This kind of AnCapery is retarded

2020-02-26 06:19:27 UTC  

It was a public hearing on a red flag bill

2020-02-26 06:20:18 UTC  

Im sure they were terrified and took it to heart and the gun grabblers changed their minds

2020-02-26 06:20:36 UTC  

Oh no wait, they will use it for fuel and be protected from any real consequences