Message from @Big W
Discord ID: 493261213065805844
Ya don't even get 4
Did somebody get sick on them?
yo weiss
ur from CWG rite?
What is CWG?
What is CWG?
i think yaz was the one then
nvm bro
old shit
dead shit
No, I am not
Not really
i swear i feel like the only dude on discord who wears hiking boots
in public
JJ are you telling me ya like Arts and Crafts shoes?
How much do those socks cost?
get some
Big breaking news.
Christine Blasey Ford named a female classmate of hers as an eyewitness to the party wherein Ford claims to have been assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh.
Tonight, that witness has stepped forward.
Her name is Leland Keyser. And she denies all knowledge of the events and also denies even knowing Brett Kavanaugh.
You can read her lawyer's letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee here.
Have a good night,
Erick Erickson
LOL, awesome!!!!
Leland Keyser?
Wasn't she married to fucking Bob Beckel