Message from @Fellow Comrade

Discord ID: 686208499075645502

2020-03-08 13:35:56 UTC  

it's mostly a offshot of computer visualistic in Koblenz (where the Crytech guys studied, obviously Turkey can't teach turks something of value, so it has to happen here)

2020-03-08 13:36:17 UTC  

pirate their games

2020-03-08 13:36:26 UTC  

pirate whatever uses the crytech

2020-03-08 13:36:26 UTC  

computer science is good for looking at tonnes of apples and removing ones that are old with computer vision or something like that.

2020-03-08 13:38:15 UTC  

i can't remember, but there was a video floating around somewhere of a system that removed certain fruits or something using computer vision AI...

2020-03-08 13:38:36 UTC  

just tell your team, 25 million $ and you keep contributing, else you just stop

2020-03-08 13:38:50 UTC  

I''ll take my 20%

2020-03-08 13:39:08 UTC  

bruh, my team is from saudi, they don't want material objects, just virgins.

2020-03-08 13:39:45 UTC  

no. they give u the moneys, not the other way around

2020-03-08 13:40:26 UTC  

when they want virgins, give the a link to the politics discord, there should be more than enough

2020-03-08 13:41:00 UTC  

it's true.

2020-03-08 13:42:12 UTC  

it's funny cause our tutor is indian, and they laugh at him for being existential.

2020-03-08 13:42:43 UTC  

yeah i am a white guy surrounded by saudis and indians at an australian university

2020-03-08 13:42:46 UTC  

good times...

2020-03-08 13:44:45 UTC  

I read a few blog articles about the state of aussie universities, sad, very sad

2020-03-08 13:46:10 UTC  

Yep, at the start of every uiniversity unit they say "In keeping with the spirit of Reconciliation, we acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where QUT now stands – and recognise that these have always been places of teaching and learning.".

aka cucked to aboriginals.

2020-03-08 13:46:30 UTC  

notice the capital letters.

2020-03-08 13:46:37 UTC  

Traditional Owners. lol

2020-03-08 13:47:35 UTC  

real sad

2020-03-08 13:48:44 UTC  

most what I read was about China fucking up NZ and Australia

2020-03-08 13:48:59 UTC  

oh that too.

2020-03-08 13:49:06 UTC  

asian invasion

2020-03-08 13:50:13 UTC  

we had a politician warning us like 20 years ago, pauline hanson, but they just call her a fringe racist.

2020-03-08 13:51:20 UTC  


2020-03-08 13:51:47 UTC  

just look at the geography. china is creeping down from the south china sea.

2020-03-08 13:51:55 UTC  

have to admit, I might have called people that too 20 years ago

2020-03-08 13:52:03 UTC  

lol yeah

2020-03-08 13:53:45 UTC  

i recorded this at my university.

2020-03-08 13:54:42 UTC  


2020-03-08 14:01:59 UTC  

When the politicians were doing a press conference at the end i stood behind them and did the OK hand sign. didn't make it to tv tho... i was edited out ... lol

2020-03-08 14:03:19 UTC  

some guy with square glasses saw me do it and looked disgusted and horrified as i walked off.

2020-03-08 14:03:20 UTC  

Because we just got it from archaic engine technology: Readers ask - Danisch doesn't know either.

Today: automotive engineering and suppliers.

A reader writes to me (I had told you that an insider told me that Lenovo produces breathing masks instead of notebooks)

Hello Hadmut,

A Chinese colleague told me that a number of automotive suppliers in China are converting to breathing masks, or have managed to do so within three days in order to close this supply gap. Why can we not do that? Why can the Swiss not manage it either?

Are we really already very degenerate?

The Swiss probably do not have a car industry, so they cannot convert them either.

But why can't we do it?

I don't know.

Maybe it has something to do with the BER. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you can't just make breathing masks, but have to go through the approval procedures of 17 authorities and get at least three seals of approval. And the trade unions are not involved. And so on.

This is astonishing, because many of our automotive suppliers are going bankrupt or are going into short-time work. Whoever can produce air filters for cars should not have insurmountable problems with breathing masks. But do not stop in three days.

However, if you think about which factories for everyday civilian goods were able to produce war material in no time at all during the Second World War, and if you further consider which war material manufacturers were able to switch to civilian goods after the war, we do indeed lack a certain amount of flexibility.

Translated with (free version)

What a fucking socialist clown world ...

2020-03-08 14:05:10 UTC  


2020-03-08 14:06:16 UTC  

background, communists called that a highly complex part

2020-03-08 14:07:00 UTC

2020-03-08 14:07:51 UTC  

I wonder when they begin to promote sex with puppies to femoids