Message from @TuerSchlossEnteiser

Discord ID: 686205347404578880

2020-03-08 13:27:19 UTC  

A South African Ph.d holder? 🤔

2020-03-08 13:27:41 UTC  

no, bazilian

2020-03-08 13:28:07 UTC  

Is there no vetting process to weed these people out? 🤔

2020-03-08 13:28:14 UTC  

Like a proxy IQ test

2020-03-08 13:28:21 UTC  

there's a money vetting to get these people in

2020-03-08 13:28:45 UTC  

Affirmative action is cancer 🤔 I wish I lived in National Socialist Germany; life all planned out <:yay:638817157840502815>

2020-03-08 13:28:55 UTC  

Instead I'm studying useless crap while being a quasi-neet 🤔

2020-03-08 13:29:06 UTC  

I want to be productive 😦

2020-03-08 13:29:16 UTC  

it's kinda interesting, the actual useful jobs that physicists do in the world. a good example is finding ways to crush rocks really finely using as little energy as possible, which helps in mining like crazy.

2020-03-08 13:29:29 UTC  

I don't need years of study to carry out these sh*t jobs 🤔 they could train me in 2 weeks tbh

2020-03-08 13:30:00 UTC  

oh, we lack sand, good non rounded sand, to build

2020-03-08 13:31:13 UTC  

or finding better ways to separate mined materials by their density.

2020-03-08 13:31:18 UTC

naturally attracted to that xD

2020-03-08 13:31:25 UTC  


2020-03-08 13:31:42 UTC  

all he's missing is the bone tip

2020-03-08 13:31:43 UTC  

only chad physicists know how to make the ULTIMATE STAFF

2020-03-08 13:34:08 UTC  

the most fascinating sorting is with grains and corns, when every single fucking one is scanned xD

2020-03-08 13:34:25 UTC  

oh yeah.

2020-03-08 13:34:54 UTC  

it's a multi-disciplinary job. they ahve physicists, engineers, and computer scientists.

2020-03-08 13:35:56 UTC  

it's mostly a offshot of computer visualistic in Koblenz (where the Crytech guys studied, obviously Turkey can't teach turks something of value, so it has to happen here)

2020-03-08 13:36:17 UTC  

pirate their games

2020-03-08 13:36:26 UTC  

pirate whatever uses the crytech

2020-03-08 13:36:26 UTC  

computer science is good for looking at tonnes of apples and removing ones that are old with computer vision or something like that.

2020-03-08 13:38:15 UTC  

i can't remember, but there was a video floating around somewhere of a system that removed certain fruits or something using computer vision AI...

2020-03-08 13:38:36 UTC  

just tell your team, 25 million $ and you keep contributing, else you just stop

2020-03-08 13:38:50 UTC  

I''ll take my 20%

2020-03-08 13:39:08 UTC  

bruh, my team is from saudi, they don't want material objects, just virgins.

2020-03-08 13:39:45 UTC  

no. they give u the moneys, not the other way around

2020-03-08 13:40:26 UTC  

when they want virgins, give the a link to the politics discord, there should be more than enough

2020-03-08 13:41:00 UTC  

it's true.

2020-03-08 13:42:12 UTC  

it's funny cause our tutor is indian, and they laugh at him for being existential.

2020-03-08 13:42:43 UTC  

yeah i am a white guy surrounded by saudis and indians at an australian university

2020-03-08 13:42:46 UTC  

good times...

2020-03-08 13:44:45 UTC  

I read a few blog articles about the state of aussie universities, sad, very sad

2020-03-08 13:46:10 UTC  

Yep, at the start of every uiniversity unit they say "In keeping with the spirit of Reconciliation, we acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where QUT now stands – and recognise that these have always been places of teaching and learning.".

aka cucked to aboriginals.

2020-03-08 13:46:30 UTC  

notice the capital letters.

2020-03-08 13:46:37 UTC  

Traditional Owners. lol

2020-03-08 13:47:35 UTC  

real sad