Message from @VladTheImploded

Discord ID: 675360940639649819

2020-02-07 14:00:06 UTC  

i have never once heard someone say that klansman is an anti-white slur until this day.

2020-02-07 14:00:24 UTC  

I suggest you start calling people "faggot" at work, and then explaining to HR that it's simply "a descriptor for a bundle of sticks and not a slur."

2020-02-07 14:00:37 UTC  

that's preposterous

2020-02-07 14:00:47 UTC  

If you actually believe what you said. Which is unlikely.

2020-02-07 14:01:01 UTC  

It really isn't preposterous.

2020-02-07 14:01:19 UTC  

Lol. Of course you haven't.

2020-02-07 14:01:22 UTC  

the two are not even remotely comparable

2020-02-07 14:01:45 UTC  

You're not allowed to say things are anti-white in polite society.

2020-02-07 14:01:54 UTC  

They are though.

2020-02-07 14:04:10 UTC  

calling someone faggot has been an insult for decades (at the least). that may not be the case anymore as the definition has changed over time.
klansman is a word the members of the klan used to describe themselves.
and furthermore, you were the first one to use klansman in our conversation, so it's hard for me to understand how that's my fault for bringing it up. i talked about the klan in general.

2020-02-07 14:11:34 UTC  

> calling someone faggot has been an insult for decades (at the least). that may not be the case anymore as the definition has changed over time.
Yeah. So has Klansman.
> klansman is a word the members of the klan used to describe themselves.
Sure. And? That also applies to the way "faggot" and "nigger" are used by the respective targets of those slurs. The point of slurs is derived from the out group who uses them, not the in group they are used against.
As for your babbling about different forms of the same word? Can you really not see how disingenuous you're being? You have to see that.

2020-02-07 14:18:52 UTC  

it is different for the other two words. they were insults but have been 'reclaimed' as they say. i still think they are wrong, but people can debate that. A word, in and of itself can't be classified as good or bad or anything, it's all in the intent of the person using it and the audience they're using it towards. I referenced the klan as an off-hand joke about their fashion choice, not some deep insult at poor white people. that's preposterous.
that's why i'm still engaging with you to try to clear up your misunderstandings. I'm neither anti-white, nor classist. i'm not really anti-any group of people, be it by factors they cannot control or associations by choice.

2020-02-07 14:30:40 UTC  

> it's all in the intent of the person using it and the audience they're using it towards.
Which is of course my exact point. Saying someone is in the Klan is a way of saying any white person who advocates for white interests is poor/low status. The same is true of "nazi" or "racist". There is obviously nothing wrong with advocating for your own group interest. The reason these have become such powerful rhetorical tools capable of shutting down speech instantaneously is because they play off of white people's over exaggerated need to virtue signal.

2020-02-07 14:31:44 UTC  

If you actually dislike these words being used to shutdown speech like all you liberals claim to, you should stop engaging in the behavior that gives them that power.

2020-02-07 14:37:57 UTC  

No, that's not what saying someone in is in the klan means. It means they're racists and bigots, cowards who hide behind white hoods while terrorizing a community. It has nothing to do with their wealth.
I will agree that the terms nazi and racist have been watered down to be almost meaningless insults though.
And your last paragraph, did you mean to call me a liberal? And if you did, what did you mean by "you liberals" because I don't think that applies to me. Unless maybe, on the off chance, you're referring to classical liberals like i've heard sargon talk about, then maybe?

2020-02-07 14:39:44 UTC  

I don't want to put words in your mouth, do you think I'm a liberal because i said something nice about aoc? let me say it loud and proud, i disagree with damn near everything i've ever heard her say.

2020-02-07 15:08:22 UTC  

>it's not that thing you said, it's the exact thing you just said
Right. When you say someone is in the Klan, you are calling them a meaningless slur that has only ever been used to attack whites, and is only perceived as bad because it is associated with being low status. Glad you agree verbatim.

2020-02-07 15:08:45 UTC  

So please. Stop being anti-white.

2020-02-07 15:10:46 UTC  

ah, so it's not that you're trolling, it's that you're trolling. got it. please, stop being a troll.

2020-02-07 15:14:13 UTC  

New proposal: Aluminum(Tinfoil) protects you from alien mind probes. We all agree on that one. But Aluminum doesn't protect you from demons...

2020-02-07 15:23:15 UTC  

isn't that what a circle of salt is for? or is that just devils?

2020-02-07 15:37:43 UTC  

Lol. Remember how you said you don't just call anyone who disagrees a "troll"?

2020-02-07 15:37:47 UTC  


2020-02-07 15:38:17 UTC  

it's true

2020-02-07 15:38:27 UTC  

i call people who disagree by saying that's that are patently false

2020-02-07 15:39:47 UTC  

it's like someone saying "statistically speaking, everybody has 1 fallopian tube"

2020-02-07 15:39:48 UTC  

But I get why you have to rely on insults. Cultural Marxism is as indefensible as economic Marxism.

2020-02-07 15:39:54 UTC  

even though the stats back it up, it's complete rubbish

2020-02-07 15:40:09 UTC  

hey, at least we both agree that marxism is horseshit lol

2020-02-07 15:41:00 UTC  

A. I never said anything false, much less patently false.
B. Still wouldn't be trolling.

2020-02-07 15:41:21 UTC  

Lol. But you're a Marxist...?

2020-02-07 15:42:07 UTC  

but i'm not? hahaha. marxism, socialism, communism are all terrible things

2020-02-07 15:42:30 UTC  

not only are they immoral, but also unethical

2020-02-07 15:43:05 UTC  


2020-02-07 15:43:06 UTC  


2020-02-07 15:44:26 UTC  

You apply Marxian critiques of economics to culture. You are by definition a cultural Marxist...

2020-02-07 15:45:22 UTC  

i do not and i am not. but go ahead, keep on burning down that straw man. you're doing great honey.

2020-02-07 15:47:07 UTC  

the only one here i see making tenuous connections to race and economic class based on a joke is you. i'm not a psychologist, but i feel like this might be what they call projection? I'm not sure.

2020-02-07 15:55:36 UTC  

Oh. So you don't know what Marxism is?

2020-02-07 15:56:07 UTC  

Lol. Seems odd you would claim to oppose it so strenuously...

2020-02-07 15:57:13 UTC  

Also, it seems you have some trouble with reading. I never said anything about "making connections" between race and class.