Message from @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

Discord ID: 675379842765553689

2020-02-07 16:31:08 UTC  

because of it's designation of the classes...

2020-02-07 16:31:11 UTC  

racial and economic

2020-02-07 16:31:18 UTC  

Now faggot you maybe have a point...

2020-02-07 16:31:26 UTC  

but nigger and Klan are basically the same...

2020-02-07 16:31:38 UTC  

> Lol. For the fifth time... someone who applies Marxian critiques of economics to social issues a racial (or sexual, etc) egalitarian who concocts oppression narratives to explain innate differences between groups.
@Unironic Ohio Supremecist
that? yeah, i don't do that.

2020-02-07 16:31:44 UTC  

And then proposes massive government intervention to "correct" such inequalities.

2020-02-07 16:31:50 UTC  

I'm sure the African blacks selling slaves called themselves and other blacks niggers, without a spec of hesitation

2020-02-07 16:31:53 UTC  

Lol. You do.

2020-02-07 16:32:01 UTC  

You've done it here.

2020-02-07 16:32:08 UTC  

Several times.

2020-02-07 16:32:09 UTC  


2020-02-07 16:32:11 UTC  

and i have never proposed a massive government intervention in anything

2020-02-07 16:32:45 UTC  

The whole reason Nigger is considered bad is it's about racial differences along class lines....

2020-02-07 16:32:56 UTC  

You don't have to be a Marxist to understand that....

2020-02-07 16:33:01 UTC  

or buy into "Marxism"

2020-02-07 16:33:45 UTC  

As much as I hate to agree with the NOTZ, @Unironic Ohio Supremecist is exactly right about Nigger being like Klan

2020-02-07 16:34:02 UTC  

Faggot you have an argument I guess, but it's sorta pointless

2020-02-07 16:34:03 UTC  

Lol. So you oppose the Civil Rights movement?

2020-02-07 16:34:32 UTC  

did i say i opposed the civil rights movement?

2020-02-07 16:35:26 UTC  

is that one of the "several times" i applied marxian critique? you'll have to show me.

2020-02-07 16:38:22 UTC  

Lol. So you don't oppose it? Seeing as it was exactly what I described when defining cultural Marxism... thanks for finally admitting I was right?

2020-02-07 16:41:25 UTC  

i didn't say either way, so don't play with that straw man.

2020-02-07 16:41:46 UTC  

Lol. Holy fuck are you dishonest.

2020-02-07 16:42:12 UTC  

i'm still waiting for you to back up the claims that i'm a cultural marxist, i'm not gonna continue going down rabbit holes with you

2020-02-07 16:42:16 UTC  

Fine, I used to be a lolberg. I can do autistic context denial too.

2020-02-07 16:42:45 UTC  

Did you not refer to the "horrors" of segregation earlier?

2020-02-07 16:42:59 UTC  

i said that's what he was doing, and that was his context.

2020-02-07 16:43:11 UTC  

Lol. I am doing precisely that, you dishonest individual.

2020-02-07 16:43:47 UTC  

your inability to separate reality from the fantasy in your head is not proof of dishonesty.

2020-02-07 16:44:27 UTC  

Lol. See your earlier advice about projection...

2020-02-07 16:44:42 UTC  

Why are lolbergs like this...?

2020-02-07 16:45:19 UTC  

you literally concocted this theory that i'm a (insert label here). it's adorable.

2020-02-07 16:46:32 UTC  

Lol. Nope.

2020-02-07 16:46:41 UTC  

you: "you're a cultural marxist"
me: "no i'm not"
you: "yes you are, you've been doing it all this time"
me: "prove it"
you: "look at how marxist you are!"

2020-02-07 16:46:44 UTC  

🍿 🐱

2020-02-07 16:47:26 UTC  

tell me the truth, are you anita sarkeesian in disguise?

2020-02-07 16:47:46 UTC  

--warn @VladTheImploded Civlity

2020-02-07 16:47:55 UTC  

okay, that's fair

2020-02-07 16:47:58 UTC  

that was a bit rude of me

2020-02-07 16:48:50 UTC  


2020-02-07 16:48:50 UTC  

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