Message from @Tony_Swann

Discord ID: 682883216297951313

2020-02-28 07:46:13 UTC  

Might doesn't make right, it decides who is left. But the thing is you have to be left to be able to be right.

2020-02-28 07:46:48 UTC  

"the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"

2020-02-28 07:47:26 UTC  

The Melian Dialogue 2500 years ago

2020-02-28 07:48:03 UTC  

that's great but what's to be done about this cancerous phrase

2020-02-28 07:48:24 UTC  

Show strength. Dont let them power project on you.

2020-02-28 07:48:25 UTC  

become strong?

2020-02-28 07:49:01 UTC  

that doesn't inform other people what it is

2020-02-28 07:49:16 UTC  

There is no way to oppose transgenderism from within the liberal dialectic. You have to abandon that.

2020-02-28 07:49:24 UTC  

don't need to inform anyone of anything, strongman leads

2020-02-28 07:50:35 UTC  

Freedom, happiness, tolerance. These are not virtues. That's the first argument. The second is putting the wellbeing of society above the selfish demands of the mentally ill transvestite.

2020-02-28 07:51:27 UTC  

so it's either lead an alt right death squad or let it run its course to you then eh

2020-02-28 07:52:16 UTC  

making me suspect you of being a radicalizing agent

2020-02-28 07:52:26 UTC  

yes the only options are murder and ignoring it

2020-02-28 07:52:54 UTC  

The majority of trans have mental issues of one kind or another. Self hatred, unhealthy sexual fetishes... ect. It is absolutely NOT the responsibility of everyone else in society to resolve these mental deficiencies for them. They have no right to demand that of anyone.

2020-02-28 07:53:27 UTC  

@argbla honestly you cannot change people's minds online. If it comes up in real life just laugh it off and ask what rights don't they already have. Treat it with mockery.

2020-02-28 07:54:03 UTC  

@argbla Im net telling you to lead death squads or attack anyone. You just have to understand the nature of politics. Power projection is the core of it without that you have nothing.

2020-02-28 07:55:35 UTC  

@argbla you will almost never change the mind of the person you are arguing with, they are committed enough to their ideas to argue them with people and that's that. Arguments are only for red pilling onlookers to the argument.

2020-02-28 07:58:34 UTC  

The thing that most of the right gets wrong about the left, is that the right can use the same language tricks that the left uses on us.

2020-02-28 07:58:52 UTC  

different rules are applied to each side

2020-02-28 09:09:26 UTC  

So you're telling us all to just DR3...?

2020-02-28 09:34:06 UTC  

I should update the list so no one gets confused.

2020-02-28 09:34:10 UTC  

Rule 1: Everything is political.
Rule 2: Politics is about power projection.
Rule 3: Power is violence.
Rule 4: Violence is action intended to harm.

2020-02-28 16:40:16 UTC  

so what I'm hearing is the only solution is political violemce

2020-02-28 16:48:17 UTC  

Oy gevalt...

2020-02-28 16:49:25 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist you ready for the meme based insurgency, fed?

2020-02-28 16:49:44 UTC  


2020-02-28 16:50:49 UTC  

Would be a shame if a certain federal employee had screenshots of everything a resident of a certain state had said about a certain ethnic group...

2020-02-28 16:51:12 UTC  


2020-02-28 16:51:26 UTC  

Red flag laws can be a bitch. Would really suck if the Boogaloo ended early for one of is.

2020-02-28 16:52:03 UTC  

"how long does it take to get residency in a different state" is a completely normal thing to google, officer

2020-02-28 16:52:06 UTC  

why do you ask

2020-02-28 16:52:12 UTC  


2020-02-28 16:54:12 UTC  

fuck I do need to be more careful

2020-02-28 16:56:20 UTC  

Nigger, you think my ego would allow me to screencap anything other than my own brilliance?

2020-02-28 16:56:37 UTC  

I can't really afford to find out tbqh

2020-02-28 16:56:52 UTC  

Or that I'd tacitly endorse laws like that by reporting people.

2020-02-28 16:57:04 UTC  

Lol. Fair enough. Probably right.

2020-02-28 17:19:27 UTC  

I am a friend of Israel

2020-02-28 17:19:29 UTC  

I love the jews

2020-02-28 17:19:35 UTC  

I think we should give more money to Israel

2020-02-28 17:19:44 UTC  

it's almost like you shouldn't say anything real about yourself on the internet