Message from @regularperson5656
Discord ID: 279278751597199361
is taking testosarone good? even if ur good
Linetrap IS Jay
Consult phhysician
i wana becum alpha
I think the nazi uniforms were deisgned by premiere fashion designers in europe at the time
Work the fugg out
And don't fap as often
If you own stock in the company i feel sorry for you
If you dont. After this is done tanking it might be time to buy
Hope this keeps on going down.
They are fucked 100%
The reason twitter is tanking is because half their users are bots, which means they can't gather reliable data, which means they can't target their adverising worth shit, which means no one wants to buy from them.
10% of the company is getting laid off
That is what this means
So DO NOT BUY until they fix it (i.e., never)
Where will all the poo's go?
hopefully the loo.
You know thatll never happen
we can but hope
I want to calculate how much soros just lost on netflix
Soros lost 285k today
He wipes his ass with checks made out for 100,000$
But it still feels good
why loses ?
in stock exchange ?
how much did netflix drop?
.87 but its coming back
Yea in the stock exchange sorry im in and out of pol
rip discord
In class, dubs tell me what to do
Do you guys believe that attention is what creates reality?
Not sure, but I'm more leaning on the side of Kek being something than not lately.
Anyone want to voice chat?
Powertools in the background currently, are calls normally interesting or just shooting the shit?