Message from @desperado
Discord ID: 512349111463444482
What is this group about?
@CorporalTaylor200 supporting President Trump and conservatives in general
Is there anything that can be done in terms of legal action if we have undoubtful proof that Barry Hussein was not born in the US?
no one is going to do anything about anything @Mister Johnson
@WarOfTheFanboys market is takin a beating
@desperado I'm getting killed on all fronts
It’ll bounce back
everything went to shit @WarOfTheFanboys @J-Bird
<:arrowup:381061979537670146> FULL of SHIT
We should make a timeline of the gnarly things Trump has done so we can pull it up and ude as a reference whenever a Lefty says that Trump hasnt done anything.
<:arrowup:381061979537670146> obama did this here they come, where r the border patrol
Asshole <:arrowup:381061979537670146>
BOMBSHELL: Fulton County Numbers Show Massive Duplicate Ballots, Rejected Ballots, Non-Citizens Trying To Vote - Big League Politics
Check out @Autisticated’s Tweet:
Well well well.......Michael Avenatti reportedly arrested on domestic violence charges
I literally just posted that above you like 5 minutes ago
same exact link and everything lmao
what are you talking about?
lolllll @J-Bird thanks for breaking the news!!
im this close hitting the delete button lmao
Michael Avenatti in police custody
what do you want
sure thing