Message from @Riggy17 (UK)

Discord ID: 512662673926782977

2018-11-13 17:38:11 UTC  

still should offend them just enough

2018-11-13 17:38:33 UTC  

especially after u tell them what kind of crap it is

2018-11-13 17:40:49 UTC  

well if u want, mix bacon grease with kerosene

2018-11-13 17:41:08 UTC  

if they get violent, bring a burning torch

2018-11-13 17:46:44 UTC  

🤣🤣 .. they are a special kind .. when bacon triggers you .. unfortunately you will not come back from a trance like that .. deep state know this and this is why there the main weapon they use .. you also notice it is Islamic community with the crossbow 🧐 .. but mainly the killings are Africans stabbing Africans .. Islam prefer a slow mental torture of victims over years and years although there is the extremists who go all Allah Akbar now and again and want to meet there god .. but usually girls can be raped for over 6 years upwards and usually injected with heroin over that time .. and the system makes it so easy for victims to get put in this position .. we have a case going on at the moment of a patriot exposing big names she was fine on videos etc .. now apparently she is to mentally gone with drugs to appear .. so I guess she will be in mental institution for life now .. all for being a rape victim

2018-11-13 20:47:13 UTC

2018-11-13 20:50:07 UTC  

UKIP party is our 3rd largest party and the leader is right wing Gerard batten who has wrote this .. but this party seems to have everyone other than him there strings being pulled .. I do feel the future will lead to Gerard resigning and a new so called right wing party beginning as something is going on in the background here for sure it’s just hard to know how big it is until the open up on it all after Qs orders

2018-11-13 20:52:45 UTC  

Dustin has had the chosen man from one of the 3 movements on his channel in a 1 to 1 talk

2018-11-13 22:00:03 UTC  

Apparently Theresa May will be inviting people 1 by 1 to go over this 😴 .. I wonder how much it has cost us to agree to leave .. and what freedoms will be signed away this time

2018-11-15 10:43:25 UTC  

riggy, this should make u happy

2018-11-15 10:43:44 UTC  

take note of the number of them ...17 ...a Q number

2018-11-15 14:13:06 UTC  

Yep mate @SirW00f but I expect more .. they are trying to confuse the public with this so those who are asleep will start worrying .. I have not even looked at her agreement that’s been put out there .. but seeing people resign over it it’s probably a globalist agreement she’s going with for now .. she’s going over the agreement 1 by 1 with the politicians so maybe more will resign .. the news is just constant with it and it’s all nonsense .. not one thing has been achieved since the vote

2018-11-15 14:28:52 UTC  

The no confidence votes can’t be too far from hitting her way .. if they haven’t started already .. it’s a proper show they have going on for sure .. We will get fucked over by anyone who gets in out of the big party’s if she has to step down so all the same and real patriot politicians are way of the numbers to win an election .. they make this sound so hard lol just put a border up and start talking trade ffs 🙈 out means out not 90% the same deal we had

2018-11-15 15:49:06 UTC  

her facial expressions are priceless

2018-11-15 16:18:26 UTC  

Llf 🤣🤣

2018-11-15 16:18:46 UTC  

also probably a fair reaction to the mess 🤣

2018-11-15 18:05:16 UTC  

If this goes so bad we might actually get a .. no deal Brexit .. to me it looks like she’s putting deals out that are certain to get no one backing them lol .. so i am not so sure deep state have full control of her right now .. her deals are total deep state material and that’s why there being declined but if she’s just pushing there stuff forward and it ends up a .. no deal .. we are out of that brutal set up .. I hope trump is behind her moves 🙈

2018-11-15 23:13:27 UTC  

not exactly british, but it's suffering from the uk's version of censorship

2018-11-15 23:19:36 UTC  

He’s Scottish mate lol he is a British politician now for our 3rd largest party / right wing party .. he was just a youtuber before they tryed to censor him @SirW00f i will go find his video he was took to court over

2018-11-15 23:20:20 UTC  

seen the vid a few times of his dog going nazi

2018-11-15 23:20:27 UTC  

he has 2 vids of it

2018-11-15 23:20:56 UTC  

1 doing nazi salute, other is his dog watching hitler video

2018-11-15 23:21:38 UTC  

oh, another vid's called 'gas the jews'

2018-11-15 23:25:20 UTC  

Yeh mate this is the full version I think lol and they took him to court .. unreal but he has became political now .. did you see him at the EU ?🤣 @SirW00f

2018-11-15 23:26:21 UTC  

can't watch it yet, watching the calif wildfire vid about survivors going to fema 2.0 death camps

2018-11-16 00:37:17 UTC  

On this video he’s actually in the EU building lol and they actually have a globe in the centre called .. United earth .. he shows it in this quick video .. ultimate globalists the EU 🖕

2018-11-16 01:19:58 UTC  

for a censoring nut like yt operators...i'm deeply surprised they didn't purge the vid

2018-11-16 01:26:12 UTC  

It’s just up mate and it’s a small channel .. it’s not on any of the new royals we need to know more on like Kate and Meghan .. does show the clip of princess Diana .. she described to people how she would die and it happened exactly that way .. there following here is crazy even most right wing can’t see past them .. I struggle to see why lol they nothing but debt to the lands in my opinion.. counter argument is always the tourism they bring in lol .. if only we got to see there incomes and outgoings per year they would be gone

2018-11-16 01:27:31 UTC  

kinda thought di died because she discovered something she didn't like

2018-11-16 01:30:33 UTC  

She wanted out yep she was used for her genetics I think anyway she was for the people .. also she was cheating and not sure if harry is a genetic bloodline to be honest