Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 514184985872302106

2018-11-18 04:38:26 UTC  

There is a law that we cannot arrest EU citizens when we leave 🧐 .. so if someone visits from EU commits a crime they cannot be arrested .. ohhh let me guess who that will be .. ISLAM you fucking traitor robot fuck .. what other reason would there be such a stupid detail wrote down .. her plan was wrote by the deep state so roll on the no confidence vote .. let’s see what deep state employee we get in next .. for sure it will be someone who was all for Brexit to keep people calm again .. my guess will be .. Boris Johnson, David Davis , Jacob Reece mogg .. or an emergency vote that Labour wins so we have a second vote which would be just perfect for the deep state .. anyone who doesn’t remember the Labour Party who is outside the U.K. here’s a reminder of there televised rally this year .. these people are scum fuck please shake our stupid lands with FISA this nonsense is too much too keep hearing about

2018-11-18 04:40:23 UTC

2018-11-18 04:41:12 UTC

2018-11-18 04:45:38 UTC  

Go help Palestine at the Gaza Strip if you care so fucking much you idiots .. your party is controlled by Israel like everything else and none of use have probably been to Palestine or know nothing on it .. not one British flag or one U.K. country flag insight you fucking crazy idiots wake up .. 🇬🇧 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

2018-11-19 01:10:17 UTC  

Please click on this and vote no and share please people 🙏 .. only deep state are pushing for another vote .. this is Piers Morgan’s show over here

2018-11-19 14:54:43 UTC  

It’s actually a fair fight lmao 🤣 .. who would be crazy enough to join our police .. they have no protection and there weapons usually are a police batton and pepper spray and handcuffs .. not much more .. only time they are around is on drugs raids from what i see other than that the community polices itself

2018-11-19 14:59:12 UTC  

i'd replace the batton with a cattle prod

2018-11-19 15:17:26 UTC  

They not allowed to switch anything mate .. don’t know why they don’t all have taser guns at least lol u can clearly see on that video they have no control .. they get beat up a lot which should not be happening .. one in my area got beat up and knocked and all his equipment took off him in a fight .. and with the diversity i would like to see the numbers because it is looking more and more like woman are the majority .. if riot squad or drugs squad come they are powerful but these on the streets are helpless .. if they used a weapon other than what’s provided they would go to jail .. it’s sad because you know they sign up thinking they will save the world to then be hit with diversity and political correctness issues all day everyday

2018-11-19 15:29:53 UTC  

They always try make it out like it’s EU citizens we want banned from coming in .. so basically EU citizens will be at the back of the line .. and immigrants and refugees will be front .. who never get mentioned in this .. and they are the problem .. All our services are fucked I don’t know what point they close the doors .. they made a big scene out of people stealing a boat .. yet they can easy get in on road with without an issue at France border

2018-11-19 20:53:51 UTC  

might be interesting -

2018-11-19 20:54:23 UTC  

i guess the us military found out that irs owned by harry

2018-11-19 21:02:25 UTC  

Wow lmao 🤣 @SirW00f this would bring the U.K. down this is huge 💯 .. this will be crazy if a raid is done on them

2018-11-19 21:07:06 UTC  

dual citizenship works both ways...i expect israel will get a similar response from usa

2018-11-19 21:07:33 UTC  

charging israel for back taxes for dual citizenship families

2018-11-19 21:08:51 UTC  

also i think alot of nations that borrowed from usa, will soon see loans defaulted and soon to be collected on

2018-11-19 21:09:54 UTC  

if even 1-2 fleets showed up around uk military bases, the uk would have to surrender or face extinction

2018-11-19 21:10:08 UTC  

Stunned mate 🤣 .. too easy with Meghan involved aswel they can’t refuse .. a raid could let lots out and it’s a statement to the world .. this is as public as deep state goes beyond them are the shadows i believe.. this will shake the world .. yep deep state screwed America over your land or ours should not have poverty these days

2018-11-19 21:10:21 UTC  

last time uk had ownership of the seas was ww1

2018-11-19 21:10:29 UTC  

usa owned it since

2018-11-19 21:11:21 UTC  

dual citizenship will get them every time when laws are enforced in a presidency of laws

2018-11-19 21:11:36 UTC  

Wake up call that’s needed this would be huge .. the sheep would be in meltdown and start questioning everything 💯

2018-11-19 21:12:25 UTC  

over 200yrs ago, we screamed 'the british are coming' ....eventually u'll hear on the news 'the americans are coming'

2018-11-19 21:12:53 UTC  

Royals are fakes there Nazi connected hugely along side deep state

2018-11-19 21:13:12 UTC  

ds/cabal is global or haven't u realized that yet

2018-11-19 21:13:32 UTC  

they infect majority of nations on the planet not just usa

2018-11-19 21:13:48 UTC  

Of course I have lol queen is a public front for them

2018-11-19 21:13:48 UTC  


2018-11-19 21:14:43 UTC  

royals/pms .....they're bloodlined to queen....ur still under crown rule...u need a revolution or get liberated by a revolution nation

2018-11-19 21:15:19 UTC  

They bring us no good in my opinion anyway .. just another waste of tax .. we need to go like America and have amendments that these shit articles and agendas can never effect

2018-11-19 21:15:28 UTC  

i got a theory about the bbc 9/11 footage

2018-11-19 21:16:18 UTC  

the info was leaked on purpose by some insider that didn't like the lie put opon the world

2018-11-19 21:16:19 UTC  

Not sure i watched there version mate but they did call building 7 down when it was up in the background llf scum

2018-11-19 21:17:28 UTC  

the camera crew and reporter and news crews for bbc 'paniced' after the truth got leaked

2018-11-19 21:19:04 UTC  

What on building 7 or the whole thing ? BBC are scum they try to charge the public a separate cost for there service only tv company you need a licence for and is mandatory to have you cannot remove it