Message from @johnboy

Discord ID: 433683162359660554

2018-04-11 14:33:08 UTC  

He tweeted this?! Oh lord

2018-04-11 14:41:11 UTC  

Tweet above.......This all seems to be a possible move against Iran........assets will be in place when a last minute deal is reached with Russia on Syria......and then whammy!! Too loud and BOLD for not being one to tell others what is COMING!!πŸ‘Œ

2018-04-11 14:46:25 UTC  

What a great actor πŸ˜ƒ

2018-04-11 14:51:28 UTC  
2018-04-11 14:53:10 UTC  

So many heads exploding over POTUS tweets yet STILL don't recognise he's using the MSM. He's trolling them big time and diverting attention away from other issues. Been on line today in a variety of news groups and there are SO MANY who can't deal with truth. <:PEPEQ:407402926148026379>

2018-04-11 15:24:24 UTC  

That makes sense. Potus wouldn't be making annoucments like that, a possible war, unles he was looking to make people talk about what he wanted then to talk about.

2018-04-11 15:26:06 UTC  

so we might prettend to get closer to the end of the world before he pulls back and saves it. Classic trump. He was always good at that PR stuff. πŸ˜ƒ

2018-04-11 15:32:11 UTC  

Already at war! Pay attention

2018-04-11 15:33:39 UTC  

POTUS is playing the long game. Assad wasn't behind the chemical weapons strike, it was the Deep State CIA. POTUS mentioned a Syrian pullout to exact this result. YOU CAN'T SWAY PUBLIC OPINION WITHOUT A CONFLICT. Same πŸ‚πŸ’© in Sandy Hook, Vegas and Parkland. Deep State all. Basic sociology Order versus conflict. "They" are getting more desperate by the day, POTUS is forcing them into the open...expose Deep State actors. Syria will be just like N. Korea. At that point, we take the fight to Iran with full backing. IMO

2018-04-11 15:40:03 UTC  

That is the only thing that makes sense. I had a gut feeling that is what's going on but didn't want to say anything.

2018-04-11 16:05:54 UTC  

Who's watching MZ today?

2018-04-11 16:19:16 UTC  

If he’s not giving out lucky lotto numbers then no, I’m not gonna watch.

2018-04-11 16:22:52 UTC  

Go with your gut always on this. There's a reason why you feel it @Lady Anon#6815

2018-04-11 16:32:54 UTC

2018-04-11 16:58:46 UTC  

Are Ads Following You? Is Google up next?

2018-04-11 17:04:10 UTC  

It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

2018-04-11 17:08:26 UTC  

BREAKING: Obama Holdover Accused of Corruption Approved Trump Lawyer Raid - Blunt Force Truth

2018-04-11 17:40:52 UTC  

So... when I was listening to the one congressman talk about his son talking about buying certain suits with a group of collegues and then having an ad for those specific suits (that they only verbally talked about to each other) popped up as a FB ad my jaw dropped because something similar has happened to me more than once. I thought it was both a coincidence but not anymore!!!!

2018-04-11 17:41:28 UTC  

It was a very specific thing I was talking about and it popped up on a FB ad the next day!

2018-04-11 17:42:03 UTC  

@Lady Anon Think about it. If this was a well defined war against a country it would already be over. This is a Deep State cash cow and we need to turn off the spigot. How many years now? POTUS & the Military will fix this. We are our own worst enemy.

2018-04-11 18:00:02 UTC  

FLASHBACK: Zuckerberg used Facebook login data to 'hack' reporter emails - The American MirrorThe American Mirror

2018-04-11 18:06:24 UTC  


2018-04-11 18:20:05 UTC  

Do you guys think it really is Trump himself writing these tweets? or has his account been compromised.

2018-04-11 18:56:13 UTC  

Oh no. It’s him. But I think of them more as weapons. What response is he trying to get? That man is a lot smarter than he makes people think he is.

2018-04-11 19:01:12 UTC  

moves and countermoves... heres hoping this all goes smoothly

2018-04-11 19:27:47 UTC  

Do we have a release date for the IG report?

2018-04-11 20:06:38 UTC

2018-04-11 20:08:28 UTC  

And no one has a clue that he just gave necessary information to an operative somewhere. Ppl just think he is an idiot.

2018-04-11 20:19:56 UTC  

So, did anybody see the drop of the pick of Ryan with Mouaz? Think that was the drop we were waiting for?

2018-04-11 20:21:41 UTC  
2018-04-11 20:22:04 UTC  

Posted on 8chan by wwg1wga

2018-04-11 20:22:16 UTC  


2018-04-11 20:23:27 UTC  


2018-04-11 20:24:32 UTC  

@SnackPack did u see what I posted?

2018-04-11 20:24:49 UTC  

no i've been trying not to read anything in here

2018-04-11 20:25:06 UTC  

Look above your Ryan post

2018-04-11 20:26:11 UTC  


2018-04-11 20:26:19 UTC  


2018-04-11 20:26:31 UTC  
