Message from @✨peacey 🌟

Discord ID: 437449097700573204

2018-04-22 02:13:49 UTC  

remove the () to get the link to work

2018-04-22 02:14:34 UTC  

Roger that i just noticed that. thank you

2018-04-22 02:14:37 UTC  


2018-04-22 02:15:32 UTC  

np, took me a sec too 😃

2018-04-22 02:16:51 UTC  

hey @WitnessMich , are you referring to the smaller photo ? with the Illuminati imagery/pose? (covering one eye)

2018-04-22 02:17:16 UTC

2018-04-22 02:18:14 UTC  

"used the platform given to them as presenters of the Oscar for best film editing to highlight the plight of HIV-positive Haitians being denied entry to the United States. For their troubles they were both banned from future ceremonial duties at Hollywood's biggest night."

2018-04-22 02:29:16 UTC  

@peach I am not here often and have to admit I am confused. So I have a question. What do you believe you are?

2018-04-22 02:29:46 UTC  

im just me... nothing more or less... dont read too much into it pls

2018-04-22 02:30:27 UTC  

ohhh 'we' are all people who are able to admit there are probably more beings out there than just humans

2018-04-22 02:31:00 UTC  


2018-04-22 02:49:37 UTC  

trying to catch up is the girl in Q post 1206 the same girl as in the article in 1208?

2018-04-22 02:51:02 UTC  

@✨peacey 🌟 light being? If you are, I've read that when the time comes you will be illuminated and everyone not just those that see auras will be able to see you shine.

2018-04-22 02:51:35 UTC  

hmmm i guess we will have to wait to find out! I do have an aura of brilliant gold

2018-04-22 02:56:33 UTC  

When I first pulled my head out of the sand I found this lady on yt thyalwaysseek and I watched lots of her stuff as she went through her interpretation of the divine truth, very fascinating stuff, but she started getting very negative towards her followers and I quit watching, but then again she was being censored before being censored was cool. I don't know if her videos are still available but they are interesting.

2018-04-22 02:57:17 UTC  

I would encourage people to trust their intuition more... if something resonates, then keep it! If it doesn't, you wont miss it if you leave it to the side

2018-04-22 03:04:44 UTC  

I had asked the other day if anyone was aware of things such as the pole flip and the shrinking magnetosphere...crickets. .. my head keeps saying maybe all of this is just another distraction. I know that since I found out about Q I've lost nearly all interest in just about everything else

2018-04-22 03:05:19 UTC  

hmm pole shift has more to do with electromagnetics than an actual flipping

2018-04-22 03:06:21 UTC  

magnetosphere too

2018-04-22 03:06:25 UTC  

Yep but they will reverse and slowly the scientific community is releasing "we're really not sure what will happen"

2018-04-22 03:06:32 UTC  

its all related to the new area of space we are in now

2018-04-22 03:07:00 UTC  

the sci community (if they even knew the truth) wouldn't be allowed to say it

2018-04-22 03:07:09 UTC  

you know how they kill anybody close to the truth

2018-04-22 03:07:10 UTC  

We are leaving our cloud, going back into a void area

2018-04-22 03:07:39 UTC  

not quite.. just ... its like moving from the frozen tundra to the tropical jungle...

2018-04-22 03:07:47 UTC  

different location, different effects

2018-04-22 03:07:59 UTC  


2018-04-22 03:08:20 UTC  

Lots of electricity flowing around us.

2018-04-22 03:08:27 UTC  

always was and will be

2018-04-22 03:10:17 UTC  

How accurate would you say this is.

2018-04-22 03:10:53 UTC  

its close.. check the thread to the link i posted... its relevant to Q

2018-04-22 03:13:34 UTC  

I did. Wow. Thanks for sharing it!

2018-04-22 03:13:35 UTC  

ill only share things that others have already made public

2018-04-22 03:13:41 UTC  

glad to help!

2018-04-22 03:14:15 UTC  

Like. .goosebumps reading it!

2018-04-22 03:14:57 UTC  

i knew the time for this info was close, hence my cryptic hints lol....

2018-04-22 03:15:50 UTC  

the Event will happen this year... probably 11/11 (but im BAD with dates, numbers and names so dont bet money on that date just in case)

2018-04-22 03:16:20 UTC  

Suspicious0bservers is excellent

2018-04-22 03:16:43 UTC  

what do you mean the Event?

2018-04-22 03:17:34 UTC  

ohhhh.. the ascension, well, the beginning of it... i expect all of the globe to see the truth of offworld life, all at once, undeniable