Message from @della4

Discord ID: 447309630482415616

2018-05-19 05:30:32 UTC  

ah. i see the fake post

2018-05-19 05:30:53 UTC

2018-05-19 05:30:55 UTC  

This article by the NYT on the IG report is nothing short of propaganda for the DNC and a few former FBI agents (and one or two current ones) that are about to be in a whole lot of trouble when the IG report drops, and a media desperate to help save their skins:

Here's how:


2018-05-19 05:31:30 UTC  

2) Right away we get to some pretty incredible stuff, but it's framed in a way to make you think that it was necessary that Australia break all diplomatic and intelligence sharing protocols, instead of the reality of how bonkers that is. When did President Obama know about this ?

2018-05-19 05:32:00 UTC

2018-05-19 05:32:27 UTC  

3) This is just gross, these people think of themselves as fictional heros fighting injustice and it's repulsive.

2018-05-19 05:33:02 UTC

2018-05-19 05:33:33 UTC  

4) Here is what the Time Magazine article focused on too. (L) NYT, (R) Time Magazine. They have their marching orders. James Comey will be faulted in the IG report for sure, but for his actions against Clinton mostly, and that's going to be the MAIN fake news narrative they play

2018-05-19 05:33:38 UTC

2018-05-19 05:33:45 UTC

2018-05-19 05:34:26 UTC

2018-05-19 05:34:26 UTC  

5) I had thought Comey was the leak but there is no way after reading this. @TexasChick1968 said it could be Lisa Page and I agree. Reads like FBI, reads to throw Comey under the bus, and reads like the a high school english essay

2018-05-19 05:36:00 UTC  

35 in this tread

2018-05-19 06:48:43 UTC  

The owl reference on Q regarding the pope is possible link to Lilith, the alleged first wife of Adam and 'queen of heaven' which is what the Catholic church depicts as Mary. Further validation that the idea their doctrine of 'Mary' is a deception and affirmation of the satanic roots of the papacy. And one thing to note, their are many Catholics out there who genuinely follow the Scriptures and Jesus, hence I refer corruption matters to the papacy rather than just the church in general as that covers all leadership issues without collectively denigrating the body of believers.

2018-05-19 06:53:10 UTC  

That is very intersting. in this part of the country i have not heard of that belief of the catholic church, however they are broken into multi groups.

2018-05-19 07:18:02 UTC  

Lullaby and good night is named for Lilith who is embodied by nature as an owl. There is an obscure reference in Scriptures to her by the prophet Isaiah where depending on the translation you will get the world owl and Lilith interchanged. She was allegedly created as a separate being from Adam and rebelled later embodying the 'queen of heaven' moniker, which the papacy co-opted for use in the name of Mary. Every doctrinal position the church has regarding Mary is descended from Lilith worship. More here although I would defer to more reliable Jewish sources on the matter.

2018-05-19 08:07:34 UTC  

well :

2018-05-19 08:07:52 UTC  

see and mull over this

2018-05-19 08:08:46 UTC  

in a vid presented by B.F., a guest high figure of the white dragon society looked into the camera at the and and said:

2018-05-19 08:09:15 UTC  

this message to the Queen of England; ISIS wants her crown back

2018-05-19 08:10:27 UTC  

SO does the current female monarch head have any historical relation to an ISIS?

2018-05-19 08:16:49 UTC  

but then, why does the Catholic church, (the ONE true christian religion btw, wink wink) depict the queen of heaven as Mary??

2018-05-19 08:17:29 UTC  

Well even I am confused since I thought Mary, the first or middle name of every other irish female, was meant to be the virgin mother of Jesus. Seems like even their confusion smacks of incest.

2018-05-19 08:17:33 UTC  

I mean Jesus

2018-05-19 08:18:45 UTC  

Make up your mind papacy. Which deception do you wish to settle for?

2018-05-19 08:19:49 UTC  

Either way; things are neither as they seem nor as they have been taught, to us.

2018-05-19 08:22:52 UTC  

And if the laboured repetition of Mary in the records of Irish baptisms isn't proof enough of the church's insistence or influence for the common folk to worship and identify with the christian demago(d)gs, I dunno what is

2018-05-19 08:25:04 UTC  

Their symbols might be their downfall, but just watch out for that hammer; which will thump apparently in a series of blows bams and booms

2018-05-19 13:55:24 UTC  

alternate title imo - how the internet destroyed the deep state controlled msm