Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 447970111098454016

2018-05-21 03:43:51 UTC  

Any thoughts on alex? As in alex jones? And why all the bs lately, I used to love his stuff, now getting to see him in a new light thanks to Q.

2018-05-21 03:44:09 UTC  

Yeah... disappointing, right?

2018-05-21 03:44:17 UTC  


2018-05-21 03:45:06 UTC  

So for me... I didn't watch Alex Jones too much. When I did, I enjoyed it, I loved it when people made him into memes hahaha. Anyway, I actually watched this one video that helped explain a lot about this stuff... let me see if I can find it

2018-05-21 03:45:26 UTC  

What about north Korea and China secretly talking. any thoughts?

2018-05-21 03:46:00 UTC  

I kind of don't want to know bad stuff about him because he's been the Forefront of the truther movement my whole life and I would much rather believe that he's straight and it really sucks to find out how weird he's been ever since Q has started talking about how people who do stuff for money in the truth or Community are fake or are tainted

2018-05-21 03:46:37 UTC  

But I'll check it out I mean I would rather know the truth than not even though it sucks

2018-05-21 03:46:55 UTC  

@Eyes.Wide.Open5600 I hear ya... I'm staying on my toes to be honest. Still looking for this video here one moment

2018-05-21 03:47:49 UTC  

Have you ever watch any of blessed to teach. Any of his stuff on Q he's pretty good too although he does a lot of rambling

2018-05-21 03:48:13 UTC  

@Eyes.Wide.Open5600 No offense, but we try to keep it pg around here. Thanks

2018-05-21 03:48:37 UTC  

Sorry what did I say I forgot

2018-05-21 03:48:57 UTC  

F-bomb my bad I apologize

2018-05-21 03:49:16 UTC  

Won't happen anymore

2018-05-21 03:49:41 UTC  

No worries

2018-05-21 03:50:36 UTC  

Any thoughts on the New Revelations with Q Relic 1776

2018-05-21 03:50:48 UTC  

I found it... I would love to hear your opinion on this since you watched Alex Jones a lot!

2018-05-21 03:51:50 UTC  

The one that says Bruce figert

2018-05-21 03:52:07 UTC  

@Eyes.Wide.Open5600 About NK & China talking... I find it great, to be honest, since the Clowns have lost power from North Korea, they can be a country once more and settle things out without *that* corruption in the way... now it's about if there's any other corruption left

2018-05-21 03:52:12 UTC  

I guess? Hard to explain 😂

2018-05-21 03:53:14 UTC  

@Deleted User Want to believe you are right on Sessions. Guess it's a positive Trump has not fired him yet...

2018-05-21 03:53:17 UTC  

No more threats of nuclear war or whatever from THAT country anymore

2018-05-21 03:53:34 UTC  

Well I was asking because I think I heard that they did it behind our back and I know that China has been doing some things that aren't so kosher with us all along while they're trying to act like they're trying to help out with the trade war and start buying more things from us there behind our back doing weird Shady stuff with the president of North Korea before Trump has a meeting with him so it just seems a little fishy and smells funny

2018-05-21 03:55:15 UTC  

@Relic 1776 It's so hard to wait... that's the issue with all of this, it got so corrupted, and our government is so slow to begin with... getting the corrupted out is a slow process too.

2018-05-21 03:55:20 UTC  

Makes me wonder if they got some little Asian packs going on and they have some Alliance going on where they play games and act like they're down with doing right but they're going to screw us over in the end kind of worries me because I do know that China has problems with the Deep State and as far as I knew Korea used to or North Korea for that matter

2018-05-21 03:56:05 UTC  

@Eyes.Wide.Open5600 China (and Russia, in my opinion) will always try and one-up us... so I'm not terribly surprised, thanks for letting me know! ❤

2018-05-21 03:56:59 UTC  

Yeah I agree they have always tried, jealousy

2018-05-21 03:57:07 UTC  

Hahaha yes exactly! 😄

2018-05-21 03:58:08 UTC  

China's always been seen as the Korean peninsula's big momma... Korea has resources China wants, too, that America can also provide but Korea is right there, and hey, China could have both our resources and Korea's... probably wanting that too

2018-05-21 03:59:04 UTC  

China is slowly getting into cleaner energy... there is an argument that Trump is stupid for trying to trade so much coal to them. I say it's not stupid, because China isn't going full-force out of the coal industry YET

2018-05-21 03:59:34 UTC  

They just had their first aircraft carrier deployed and their Navy and there's word that the technology that they have is pretty impressive and their numbers that they have are pretty impressive and they're trying to rival or navy

2018-05-21 03:59:59 UTC  

Heard that as well. I wonder where they got all that from? 😛 😛

2018-05-21 04:00:12 UTC  

Just ask Trump that

2018-05-21 04:00:57 UTC  

NK's militia numbers are enormous, right

2018-05-21 04:01:12 UTC  

Not voluntarily

2018-05-21 04:01:15 UTC  

Yeah lol

2018-05-21 04:01:37 UTC  

China is so packed though they're like roaches so we would have a lot to worry about with them

2018-05-21 04:02:12 UTC  

And I crazy and willing to Die For a Cause especially when their life and living standard over there is so horrible

2018-05-21 04:03:13 UTC  

Going to check out the video about Alex that you sent

2018-05-21 04:04:32 UTC  

<#419210947866132500> Updated Q

2018-05-21 04:23:01 UTC  

Thanks again Sir @Malikstotle

2018-05-21 04:47:29 UTC  

No thanks needed :)