Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 448536190581211136

2018-05-22 17:17:25 UTC  

Things this big take time

2018-05-22 17:17:26 UTC  

Cant start building something from the top down

2018-05-22 17:17:30 UTC  

Q has opened many eyes and gives leads to follow. But not the end all

2018-05-22 17:17:34 UTC  

Fear not, we are in control

2018-05-22 17:18:05 UTC  

I'm trusting the plan, but we cant be sure what the DS could do....

2018-05-22 17:18:30 UTC  

Like I said earlier

2018-05-22 17:18:34 UTC  

We cant leave it all to just Q, potus and whoever he has

2018-05-22 17:18:40 UTC  

It’s gonna get bumpy here for a bit

2018-05-22 17:18:50 UTC  

But the road will smooth in the end

2018-05-22 17:19:10 UTC  

I am just looking into how one could organize under radar .. and that's daunting

2018-05-22 17:19:32 UTC  

Anything worth doing is hard

2018-05-22 17:19:38 UTC  

You have allies wolf, things are getting done

2018-05-22 17:19:56 UTC  

one thing is Almost certain, had the current POTUS not made it into the White house, a military coup most likely would have taken place by the white hats to take things back, and that could have easily put us into a civil conflict. Most likely the Military would have sided with the people (I know the guys i know, would have, and myself), that is why BHO was setting up the UN, moving assets around like he was, letting in other Rouge Foreign troops, and putting the gurkas into place.

2018-05-22 17:20:36 UTC  

I am on the City council here, so i do my part. Pretty small town but many woke people here. I talk about this stuff with everybody for >15 years.

2018-05-22 17:21:07 UTC  

I dont know anyone in the military personally, only police officers. So I dont know what exactly would happen there

2018-05-22 17:21:07 UTC  

@svizzy that's fantastic

2018-05-22 17:21:17 UTC  

And by talking i mean face to face

2018-05-22 17:21:47 UTC  

We need more face to face

2018-05-22 17:22:13 UTC  

It’s about to get face to face, Q has eyes on us. He knows we are here

2018-05-22 17:22:25 UTC  

This isnt just about us, it's about our kids and their kids

2018-05-22 17:22:41 UTC  

We are making it better for their lives wolf

2018-05-22 17:22:54 UTC  

This war will be a legend to most

2018-05-22 17:23:28 UTC  

After ascending those that aren’t ready will stay behind and kinda get their memories wiped

2018-05-22 17:23:36 UTC  

Sorry if I'm being overly cautious but I feel I'm not doing enough, especially living outside a very liberal city

2018-05-22 17:23:53 UTC  

We are fortunate however that we do have current POTUS, that we do have Team Q, and that they are doing that heavy lifting at the moment. The Mil is doing all that they can. Trust me, you do not want to be in combat. If you can avoid it you would want to. The Cabal can still pull the ultimate false flag and thats bring down the financial system , even just here in the USA. They have the power and ability to do it and it would create massive chaos. but it seems more of a last resort.

2018-05-22 17:23:57 UTC  

You are doing just fine young one, stay the course

2018-05-22 17:24:01 UTC  

The end is near

2018-05-22 17:24:09 UTC  

@Lyannawolf it's great to b told to sit and wait and all will be well ... but it hasn't worked out for us in past .. and if this movement were to fail.. we need to have a back up

2018-05-22 17:24:12 UTC  

The light is strong at the end of the tunnel

2018-05-22 17:24:31 UTC  

People need to start talking about political affairs again like it was ~130 years ago. Before they knowingly diverted our attention. Politics was Americas favorite topic.

2018-05-22 17:24:57 UTC  

A more proactive approach would be best, yes

2018-05-22 17:25:16 UTC  


2018-05-22 17:25:54 UTC  

You are all doing just what you need to be. Stay calm, and keep the course. Glory will come to those that believe

2018-05-22 17:26:34 UTC  

I believe, but like God said, you need to put on your armor for Gods army

2018-05-22 17:27:14 UTC  

Meditate, that is your best armor. Be in touch with spirit, mind, and body

2018-05-22 17:27:31 UTC  

Be in balance and at peace

2018-05-22 17:27:46 UTC  

@Deleted User I do believe .. but also have been trying to change things for 50 years .. and every time get the rug pulled out

2018-05-22 17:27:47 UTC  

I thought meditation was occult and we were supposed to pray

2018-05-22 17:27:48 UTC  

All will be revealed soon and all will be balanced

2018-05-22 17:28:02 UTC  

Culture still need change, we are vulnerable to fall back. The struggle is constant and will never go away, thats life.

2018-05-22 17:28:12 UTC  

Not this time hiker,my family will make sure to that