Message from @Desimated

Discord ID: 456225615570534411

2018-06-12 21:53:18 UTC  

launched June 10th, was thinking maybe spaceX but their last launch was 1 week ago according to youtube.

2018-06-12 21:54:17 UTC  

Could it be from China? maybe from the island noted by @R1V37H34D

2018-06-12 21:56:24 UTC  


2018-06-12 22:05:15 UTC  

wonder if it was from the water...

2018-06-12 22:07:41 UTC  

THAAD Aegis Missile.? Might have stopped an ICBM. 👌 if true

2018-06-12 22:08:35 UTC  

one perhaps aiming at NK?

2018-06-12 22:08:46 UTC  

would make sense due to location of launch...

2018-06-12 22:24:30 UTC  

is it going back to this again in some fashion?

2018-06-12 22:30:01 UTC  

Missiles from areas that shouldn't have launch abilities..

2018-06-12 22:33:47 UTC

2018-06-12 22:33:52 UTC  

it was from a sub

2018-06-12 22:34:00 UTC  

Q posted

2018-06-12 22:34:24 UTC  

<#419210947866132500> have been updated with latest

2018-06-12 22:35:13 UTC  

I think you got it with that Dec22 post

2018-06-12 22:35:28 UTC  

That post says to reference to the VOL pic. the volcano pic of the Alaskan air space?

2018-06-12 22:36:09 UTC  

makes sense, because AF1 flight path was near this area

2018-06-12 22:37:43 UTC

2018-06-12 22:38:08 UTC  

could this have been the explosion of that missile ?

2018-06-12 22:38:57 UTC  

He told us they can not expand on it...but to use crtical thinking, so perhaps we can figure it out.

2018-06-12 22:39:48 UTC

2018-06-12 22:40:05 UTC  

that was the flightpath of AF1

2018-06-12 22:42:49 UTC

2018-06-12 22:43:11 UTC  

He said it wasn't supposed to the question becomes...was it a white hat op or a black hat op? Were they targeting af1? Need a plane fag to tell us what time af1 was in that are.

2018-06-12 22:44:54 UTC  

yeah, need to identify time of departure to tie this together

2018-06-12 22:46:06 UTC  

All I saw missing was "I" and "p"...

2018-06-12 22:50:49 UTC  

What do you mean @Sparky75

2018-06-12 23:02:25 UTC  

Remember, Rocket went up on June 10th

2018-06-12 23:06:14 UTC  

Missing p in "stopped"-Trump tweet
Missing i in "missile"-Q drop

2018-06-12 23:06:26 UTC

2018-06-12 23:14:20 UTC  

also missing i in "missile" same Trump tweet. Q post #1469

2018-06-12 23:18:06 UTC  

Yup, AF1 wasn't there when the Rocket went off. It was on it's way between fuel stop in Crete and Landing at Singapore.

2018-06-12 23:19:52 UTC  

Thanks @svizzy

2018-06-12 23:20:55 UTC  

Well, my pleasure. To bad it's not solving the Missile question.

2018-06-12 23:22:08 UTC  

His last post shed some light

2018-06-12 23:22:11 UTC  

said to reverse image

2018-06-12 23:22:18 UTC  

not the image itself..but the name he provided of the image