Message from @creepyAnon

Discord ID: 458348896033308700

2018-06-18 18:55:04 UTC  

he inspired and re-invigorated the speed race and progress in missile tech, something that was thought to be figured out without any possible improvements.

2018-06-18 18:55:11 UTC  

beautiful times we live in ❤

2018-06-18 18:58:49 UTC  

Yeah that makes sense.
Also makes sense why the Tesla cars are having issues. probably being hacked by the DS try to make the company lose its value as much as possible. trying to get it to tank

2018-06-18 19:03:16 UTC  

yeah i think it was encouraged by them first, to make people think that autonomous automobiles where safe and everything being computer driven was a good idea (push for automation in everything, including weapons)

2018-06-18 19:03:47 UTC  

then he flipped on them, and now they're trying to remove his success

2018-06-18 19:04:23 UTC  

It's a good theory

2018-06-18 19:08:16 UTC  

with multiple pushes in AI concerns from musk before that meeting

2018-06-18 19:08:37 UTC  

agreed. AI SHOULD NOT have control of weapons

2018-06-18 19:08:41 UTC  

that is a DS move 100%

2018-06-18 19:09:16 UTC  

did you see the vid about the referb hornets getting remote control?

2018-06-18 19:09:24 UTC  

shared a long while back

2018-06-18 19:09:27 UTC  

scary shit

2018-06-18 19:09:37 UTC  

i did not

2018-06-18 19:11:01 UTC  

Although i do find Elon's new found rebellion against the elite and media refreshing, let's not forget he is a freemason. I believe 32nd degree

2018-06-18 19:12:50 UTC  

Please do not take this wrong. It took me three years, after someone I trusted told me this for me to believe they were correct. The most difficult thing I learned in my lifetime I suppose.
The earth is flat. Space is Not A Space Agency. Astro Nots.
I find it rather simple these days. There should be a 600 foot drop off of the earth in just 30 miles. Yet I could see the ships in the Norfolk, VA port from across the bay 35+ miles away with no problem at all. Proving the earth is flat.
I looked at wind generators, pictures of them on the Ocean. Huge numbers of them. They were on a totally flat Ocean.
I have been to the Salt Flats in Utah a number of times. I could easily see the shore across the water 30 miles away. I never once lost sight of something blocked by the water or the salt. The earth really is flat.
TV is broadcasted on the earth bounced off the firmament.
NASA fakes everything. You see air bubbles in many of their supposed space shots. You see them wearing straps strapped to wires. The wiring makes no sense. You see them set things on the table and it stays there with no hooking. I first saw this when I was a kid. No dirt got in the landing pads. Impossible if it used a rocket engine to land. Their shoes easily kicked the dirt around. So confusing to me.

2018-06-18 19:13:53 UTC  

Flat Earth theories have been debunked so many times we dont even bother anymore.

2018-06-18 19:14:12 UTC  

we have had this argument on the chans probably more times then any other situation.

2018-06-18 19:14:35 UTC  

Yes the Government demands you believe their lies. Fine show me a single proof.

2018-06-18 19:14:52 UTC  


2018-06-18 19:14:55 UTC  

not even going to bother

2018-06-18 19:15:08 UTC  

Of course. There is no proof.

2018-06-18 19:15:13 UTC  

This is not a FE Room

2018-06-18 19:15:17 UTC  

there are other discord chats for that

2018-06-18 19:17:42 UTC  

@Desimated i cant take it anymore LoL

2018-06-18 19:18:12 UTC

2018-06-18 19:18:31 UTC  

I have checked them all. None have any proof. 13 NASA Photoshop images of the earth. The continents are different sizes in them. SEX is in the clouds and on and on. Not a single actual picture of the earth exist. Yet they claim the Satellites for TV are plenty far away to take a picture or even video. Yet never do they do so. GPS has a problem working in the Mountains or in the city.

But I will speak no more of it master.

2018-06-18 19:19:40 UTC  

thank you

2018-06-18 19:19:42 UTC  

i'm not anyones master. i am saying we can spend some 8 hours going over FE vs non FE and it still wont matter. many of us have had these convos over and over and over again. this just is not the place for FE talk

2018-06-18 19:20:05 UTC  

Agreed, lets avoid FE topic here

2018-06-18 19:20:11 UTC  

Now if POTUS or Q pointed us to go into FE, then we will. but not until that time

2018-06-18 19:21:53 UTC  

FE is something that has been noted by Dustin that we refrain from getting caught up in, just like pedophilia so lets avoid it

2018-06-18 19:22:11 UTC  

The President asked about sending Astro Nots to the Moon over a year ago. They more recently said they would not go to the moon. So today I have to wonder what this is about. I seriously doubt the President believes the earth is a ball because of his words to the Astro Nots. But I have no proof. Is NASA going back to the moon soon?

2018-06-18 19:22:42 UTC  

there was an EO signed today

2018-06-18 19:23:09 UTC  

Yes did it have them going back to the moon. I did not hear that it did.

2018-06-18 19:23:14 UTC  

the space force is in full swing

2018-06-18 19:23:20 UTC EO

2018-06-18 19:23:53 UTC  

the moon is one of the main topics, you got to keep watching as they go through everything.. im listening to the whole thing

2018-06-18 19:24:06 UTC  

it is a lot of talk about going to the moon, the process, what we want to do there est est