Message from @Desimated

Discord ID: 458356247700176896

2018-06-18 19:20:11 UTC  

Now if POTUS or Q pointed us to go into FE, then we will. but not until that time

2018-06-18 19:21:53 UTC  

FE is something that has been noted by Dustin that we refrain from getting caught up in, just like pedophilia so lets avoid it

2018-06-18 19:22:11 UTC  

The President asked about sending Astro Nots to the Moon over a year ago. They more recently said they would not go to the moon. So today I have to wonder what this is about. I seriously doubt the President believes the earth is a ball because of his words to the Astro Nots. But I have no proof. Is NASA going back to the moon soon?

2018-06-18 19:22:42 UTC  

there was an EO signed today

2018-06-18 19:23:09 UTC  

Yes did it have them going back to the moon. I did not hear that it did.

2018-06-18 19:23:14 UTC  

the space force is in full swing

2018-06-18 19:23:20 UTC EO

2018-06-18 19:23:53 UTC  

the moon is one of the main topics, you got to keep watching as they go through everything.. im listening to the whole thing

2018-06-18 19:24:06 UTC  

it is a lot of talk about going to the moon, the process, what we want to do there est est

2018-06-18 19:24:53 UTC  

before today, it was hearsay, now, we have action.

2018-06-18 19:25:17 UTC  

so i guess it wont be too long before this FE thing is put to rest

2018-06-18 19:25:30 UTC  

till then, lets focus on whats infront of us

2018-06-18 19:25:54 UTC  

yeah we all have alot of work to do

2018-06-18 19:26:02 UTC  

Q gave us more tasks over the weekend

2018-06-18 19:27:00 UTC  

yes, first moon, then mars

2018-06-18 19:27:12 UTC  

they want to mine it

2018-06-18 19:27:39 UTC  

the moon is going to be a huge space port between us and the rest of the universe

2018-06-18 19:40:03 UTC  

Back to the Moon as late as 2035 or later. I find it comical they are taking so long to get back. I will believe it when they go. They claim it is very difficult to get through the Van Allen belt. They never spoke of this being a problem fifty years ago. Very small spacecraft zoomed through it with no problem over and over again.

2018-06-18 19:44:05 UTC  

Yup, we all wonder about this, that said, DS has been in for a long time... kinda aligned with when the whole "Van Allen belt" showed up

2018-06-18 19:44:26 UTC  

and then we lost the tech? i mean common...

2018-06-18 19:44:31 UTC  

but again, DS

2018-06-18 19:45:15 UTC  

they dont have anything to get by people getting off world, that would add another level of complexity to the plan they where putting into place

2018-06-18 19:46:42 UTC  

I know we arent supposed to trust lindsey graham he really seems to have found his balls lately

2018-06-18 19:47:42 UTC  

Anyone watching C-SPAN? Lindsey Graham is tearing in to Horowitz. 😂

2018-06-18 19:48:20 UTC  

not me but it would be great if you could provide notable timestamps!

2018-06-18 19:48:45 UTC  

I'm watching it on my TV right now

2018-06-18 19:49:05 UTC  

nioce, any good news?

2018-06-18 19:50:06 UTC  

Not sure how to figure out time stamp but since it's live he's only been grilling him for about the last 10 minutes

2018-06-18 19:50:56 UTC  

interesting note....

2018-06-18 19:56:23 UTC  

"as well as our citizens and our country in terms in what we do up there, um, i could give you some exciting examples... but its classified so i cant do it " - room laughs

2018-06-18 19:56:49 UTC  


2018-06-18 20:01:57 UTC  

"i think most of us in this room respect that day with the launch toward the moon, the message that came back, um ahh, that was one of the most exciting times of my lifetime and i think we're at a cusp of moving into a new era where young people will be growing up looking at some phenomenal things happening in space."

2018-06-18 20:02:01 UTC  

love it

2018-06-18 20:03:18 UTC  

I watched Trumps speech and about 10 minutes of the conference afterwards

2018-06-18 20:03:33 UTC  

Then I switched to c-span

2018-06-18 20:03:35 UTC  

i just finished it with multiple reviews lol

2018-06-18 20:03:42 UTC  
