Message from @Indigo

Discord ID: 671854404667965471

2020-01-28 21:26:52 UTC  


2020-01-28 21:27:18 UTC  

@lolo sorry but its pretty clear you dont actually want to have a conversation, you just wanna talk down to "bad people"

2020-01-28 21:29:07 UTC  

invalid user lmfao accurate

2020-01-28 21:29:58 UTC  

Gotta love them navel gazers

2020-01-28 21:55:45 UTC  

lolo is clearly a racist child. You have to be one to be antideutsche. It's embedded in both the theory and the praxis.

2020-01-28 21:58:48 UTC  

Also ancaps are as hilarious as Maoists. Just a friendly but entirely deserved drive by.

2020-01-28 22:39:57 UTC  

The way I see it communism can't and doesn't work. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" generally removes any kind of personal incentive to work hard. When you're compensated roughly the same regardless of how much you produce why would you ever put in any effort?

2020-01-28 22:41:41 UTC  

I suspect this is why many communist states have been dictatorships, as when you remove people's incentives you need the government to step in and make sure people are actually doing things. If the people's paradise doesn't motivate you enough to work hard? Maybe the gulag will.

2020-01-28 22:53:40 UTC  

And even so, people will work hard enough to not be thrown in a prison camp and thus receive just enough to barely survive.

2020-01-28 22:56:01 UTC  

Okay that's just a grotesque overcorrection of reality.

2020-01-28 22:56:30 UTC  


2020-01-28 22:56:50 UTC  

Nobody gives a shit? True. Everyone is barely scraping by? Lol.

2020-01-28 22:57:42 UTC  

Really depends on way too many things.

2020-01-28 23:00:07 UTC  

No, as the options are limited for the worker to sell his labour to(in case of communism, there's only one buyer of their labour)

The remuneration WILL be lower.

2020-01-28 23:00:39 UTC  

Oh okay. Ceiling is much lower. No argument.

2020-01-28 23:00:39 UTC  

Only in a system with high competition for the workers labour will he be paid more

2020-01-28 23:02:41 UTC  

That's not what I was objecting to. Was just reminding not to get melodramatic. Wartime conditions aren't normal even in communist countries. Not all of them were particularly awful materially.

2020-01-28 23:04:50 UTC  

Like make your arguments but no need to get out there ridiculous.

2020-01-28 23:07:51 UTC  

In a system with only a singular entity to sell your labour to, then you are basically a slave since you can't afford to work for someone else since there's none.

2020-01-28 23:08:55 UTC  

You need to tolerate any or all the indignities since there's no other option other than starve and die.

2020-01-28 23:09:32 UTC  

This is in no way melodramatic, it's just the reality of communism

2020-01-28 23:09:41 UTC  

Or you can leave your job and go work literally wherever else if qualified.

2020-01-28 23:09:50 UTC  

Which was the actual reality. Because there were plenty of shit jobs to do.

2020-01-28 23:12:27 UTC  

Only one employer

2020-01-28 23:13:05 UTC  

You didn't sell your work to the government. You sold it to your factory or your hospital or your regional planner.

2020-01-28 23:13:54 UTC  

On a down at the ground level that's how it worked.

2020-01-28 23:14:56 UTC  

The institutions even competed with each other. Some jobs were nicer than others. Some unions were better than others.

2020-01-28 23:15:40 UTC  

People poached workers from each other. Seriously man. I don't know where you're getting all this.

2020-01-28 23:17:02 UTC  

The employer was basically the government in the centralized system.

2020-01-28 23:17:53 UTC  

Do you agree that, there will always be much higher wages in a system with higher competition for your labour

2020-01-28 23:19:13 UTC  

so by design, wages would be low in a communist country. where competition is artificially hampered

2020-01-28 23:19:27 UTC  

The ceiling is higher under capitalism.

2020-01-28 23:19:42 UTC  

Not my point Indigo.

2020-01-28 23:20:01 UTC  

could the different unions offer different wages in the USSR

2020-01-28 23:20:25 UTC  

The wall of text was that everyone was starving and only motivated to work by the threat of prison. Which is divorced from reality.

2020-01-28 23:21:52 UTC  

The more limited the competition for labour is in a country.. the more starving will the people be

2020-01-28 23:22:50 UTC  

it's will just be marginally better in a decentralized commumist state

2020-01-28 23:23:29 UTC  

Unions could offer different bonuses and premium pay.

2020-01-28 23:24:45 UTC  

It's not a direct comparison between a hypothetical capitalist alt USSR where everything went great and historical USSR. It's just a reminder that life wasn't some caricature and you can point out the faults of the system without resorting to fiction.

2020-01-28 23:28:01 UTC  

my point is that, a centralized communist system will practically be slavery, a decentralized communist one marginally better.

2020-01-28 23:28:38 UTC  

Being free to starve isn't freedom. But this is probably irreconcilable positions between us.