Message from @Swedish Chef
Discord ID: 599620658397446165
Since it’s the loudest ones I think Rosie is going to be up there
Mind blowing names. Remember Kelly had a hard time when he was arrested for unpaid child support. Now the Feds have him. Everyone knows the Feds win 99% of their cases. So expect him to squeal.. he won't take one for the team
Hanks and Clooney
Just like Epstein had his safe with cd”s as his insurance policy I am sure Kelly has the same. Won’t save them.. just funny how they think it works.. leverage I guess. It worked for many decades..
Kelly has amassed a lot.
Clooney rapes young boys. HW knows all about him. His wife is a beard.
What happened during the motorbike crash? Where did the young boy go that was riding next to him, when he crashed?
I never heard anything about a boy..
"Honeypot Studios"?? Prophetic..almost as blatant as Bill Maher's "Kid Love Productions" (always wondered why there was never a picture of him in public with a dame.)
@Purple "His wife is a beard". What is??
@Deleted User
Yes Amal is a beard for Clooney. Lots of the big names have beards as girl friends or arranged marriages.
A beard is a cover for the person to mask their true selves. The model girl friends DeCaprio has...beards.
@Purple Thanks for the heads-up. Much Appreciated.
@Swedish Chef well I'm kind of in the process of building a new project which may or may not be of use to you in this endeavour
Slide up in my dm’s.. lol
GOOD MORNING!!! Patriots!!
@everyone I only have a couple more spots from RSS twitter feeds to be added. Who would you guys like to see? Check “Twitter Warriors/DeepState Twitter”
Twitter Warriors!
We will vote on all enquiries tonight in the mod team meeting..
Seriously, what's going on here?
@John Petersen just needed a weather update? and updating the server and feeds.
It's 86 degrees right now and mostly sunny. So sunscreen is HIGHLY adviced. Just... Just trust me on this
this sounds like a man that is speaking from experience !
not a weatherman but just wanted to add - it's a bit "shilly" on the chan - especially in July
Yeah. I got sunburned quite a bit. Trust me.
also, I never trust anyone who says "trust me" 😝
Shills gonna shill. Nothing new. Will be there today and tomorrow too. Trust me.