Message from @Buck Nuts
Discord ID: 678696330687676419
These will be lost in people post in the lounge.
Meme channels are organized by title on the left. If you drop the Bernie ones in the <#422443222414000141> channel - they will be easier to retrieve. I hope that makes sense.
<:that:407708943993929728> That is the <#422443222414000141> channel. Put them there.
We need a LOT of them.
Meme fodder is what defines us out there on social media.
Okay, I will delete them in this channel, @Buck Nuts to clean it up.
I saw you put them all in the right channel. Thank you!
You bet
You guys are great. Those are good memes in there!
Yeah , talk about a call to arms . Awesome 😎
Lol. I am a NPC on twitter
Idea for a recurring Bloomberg meme. Top half of Mini Mike's head peeking into the corner of other memes with two hands, as if peering over a wall. Caption: "Killjoy was here.". Refs "Kilroy was here" early meme, also his attitude towards 2A, sodas, etc. Thoughts?
I don’t see a board for mike Bloomberg; rightly so-
But for the amount of coin he is dropping on the campaign and also memes, we should also focus on that douche.
Agreed. I think putting him small and in the corner of other candidates' memes enforces outlier, Mini, and fringe status.
There ya go memers.
I’ll start harvesting them more now. They are starting to show up more frequently.
Give em hell guys. Harvest em, make em, steal em from ya grandma . Glad to have you aboard 🍻💯
If anything we can do to help don’t hesitate.
Thanks, @Buck Nuts !
#DaytonaDay #DAYTONA500
And adding Qposts to your memes is always good too.
Dear Q Team, I would love to believe that the game is over. Don't forget, these demon worshippers have truck tons of money and are willing to do things that normal people are not. You might have won a battle, but this is a war that will not be won by anyone but the Messiah and his return. Godspeed.
“WE” have won a battle bro. It’s ok to chalk one up for the good guys every once in awhile . This war will never truly be over. There is no light without dark. There will always be evil, even if every POS satanic ,chomo, traitorous scumbag ends up at the end of a rope . There’s always gonna be someone somewhere that’s a bastard. Doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate or root for the good guys when they get a good lick in. It’s impossible to not be cynical I know. And for good reason. When you have war hero’s locked up for process crimes. And shitbags getting rich off of book deals, it’s hard not to be pissed. But I’m confident that the scales are gonna start balancing out very soon. And worse case scenario, if it goes back to buisness as usual with a two tier system. (Which I just don’t see happening)
I can still walk away knowing that tho our prime objectives were not met. What I witnessed and was a part of, not only gave me a new objective and outlook. It restored my faith in people period. Sure we all were made privy to evil that some may have not imagined. And was briefed on the complete shit show that has been on display in recent years. But what I also saw was people from every walk of life world wide . Band together and educate the next guy, rally around each other on every platform and defend each other’s, pray for each other. For complete strangers.
People whom have never met , spoken or had any correspondence supporting each other simple because they happen to be a part of the same movement.
So that in and of itself , to me is a victory. Sure I want justice, who doesn’t wanna see the hilda beast dangle for the shit she has pulled... But either way, they can never pull the wool over my eyes again. And by the healthy amount of cynicism you expressed tells me that they will never pull the wool over your eyes again either. So if this movement falls short of total victory. I think I am still a better person and wiser than before I got on this ride. And I would dare say that a lot of other people are as well. And while I agree the return of the messiah will be the one true and final victory... I think even God would celebrate what has already been achieved. Because it’s nothing short of a miracle when you think about it. At any rate hang in there bro. Don’t lose hope just yet. And when it’s starting to look grim and your patience has a negative balance. Just troll a couple of snowflakes, and let your middle digits fly. There is no better medicine than liberal tears. 💪🇺🇸❤️🍻