Message from @uooqs
Discord ID: 423683193619611659
@everyone if you like anime, post it here, but posting it other channels will put you in time out
but why?
homo space communism?
It's the only natural evolution of communism!
yeah I mean if you want your population to die of AIDS instead of starvation
just banter
I lean left economically generally speaking but hard right on everything else
that's not communism, that's third position actually
the inverse is neoliberalism
youre a commie
and by left not Marxism
i knooow
more market oriented than pure socialism
i'm messign with ya
oh yeah I got the jeepers creepers after you went silent on me
did ya?
yeah, gotta be careful. a long of younger folks are real sensitive these days and sometimes I feel I'll fuck up and ruin a friendship over something
Makes sense
I'm like that too
that's weird I always thought Ancaps were into Lolis