Message from @uooqs
Discord ID: 425242816483033090
low metabolism happens with age
>implying lumpenprole white dudes shouldn't excercise third world beliefs over everyone else
who cares
in the end they're our allies
yeah I know. Heimbach was a shithead for cheating on his wife
@Deleted User people don't automatically get fat as they age, they can stop it by having a modicum of self control
sure lady
I mean mosley was never fat
Rockwell was never fat
A lot of people in the 20th century didn't "inevitably" get fat when they aged
I actually don't eat much during the daylight hours a bowl of cereal and just coffee thru the rest of the day does me ok
people think I'm fat though
actually have lost a lot of weight the last five or so years
Sorry I just don't like muh fatlogic blackpills that are like "I'm gonna get fat anyways may as well not try"
Ah strange
Maybe it's the way your body holds it
short dudes like me actually have an advantage to weightlifting, we build it and pack it tighter
solid rock
Is this the AWD HQ?
@zombie yes