Message from @Leiro レイロ

Discord ID: 514035184916496393

2018-11-18 01:16:25 UTC  

British are associated with imperialism, so they went for them in Romans in movies... then Hispanics and Mexicans for Greeks, then blacks and mixed race for Egyptians and Persians, then Vikings are usually English or German or Scottish and sometimes Danish, then it's even worse for whenever they use actual modern casting off of Asian styled media to the big screen showing whites as the Asians

2018-11-18 01:16:32 UTC  

or sometimes they go for Asians as the whites

2018-11-18 07:57:30 UTC  

In one of BBC's documentaries Attila was like a West European man.

I've seen it

the one that had the midget?

2018-11-18 08:35:32 UTC  


2018-11-18 13:47:06 UTC  

oh yeah

2018-11-18 13:47:10 UTC  

they cast Gerard Butler

2018-11-18 13:47:24 UTC  

to play a stereotyped Attila The Hun as a Celtic or Germanic warmonger

2018-11-18 13:47:53 UTC  

and you know what I never noticed the 1950's ever being relevant enough to cast a movie to go viral for the youth

2018-11-18 13:48:01 UTC  

such a golden age as far as I'd be concerned

2018-11-18 13:48:10 UTC  

or almost any movies to do with the colonial empires

2018-11-18 13:48:35 UTC  

what's so taboo over the age of pirates, trade, wars over forming governments, pan-ideologies, nationalism, liberalism, the resurgence plans...?

2018-11-18 15:32:29 UTC  

tfw muslims and khalid ibn al waleed RA sieged into damascus ez pz

2018-11-19 10:32:56 UTC  

Jews- Trickster parasites
Arabs- Obvious parasites
Muslims- Arabs who follow a certain direction of paths to trick the humans into destroying humans and infesting the streets with violence, rape, trash, germs, rats, and terror.

Basically (except for vegans, vegetarians and the allergetic) all people who dont eat pork are evil

What can I say

everyone hates Arabs

They should all go back home

2018-11-19 11:12:05 UTC  

Christian Arabs are fine

There aren't Christian Arabs

2018-11-19 11:12:18 UTC  

I don't really like Muslim Arabs

2018-11-19 11:12:20 UTC  

there are

Middle Eastern Christians aren't Arabs


none of us are Arabs

2018-11-19 11:12:42 UTC  


well yeah

we're all ethnically different

for example us Copts are genetically disinguishable from the Arab Muslims in Egypt

They came in the 7th century, while we're descended from the Ancients

Copt just means Egyptian

same with for the Assyrians

I don't know much about the Maronites

but they aren't Arabs from what I gather from talking to them

2018-11-19 11:13:45 UTC  

hmm okay

Copts and Assyrians are pre-Arab Middle eastern peoples

2018-11-19 11:14:10 UTC  

ah I see

Here's a Copt from Roman Egypt

More Copts from Roman Egypt

2018-11-19 11:14:34 UTC  

they don't look like Arabs