Message from @Alareiks Gloriam
Discord ID: 516877404128411649
the four nations that sustain Europe today
Italy, France, Germany and the UK maybe
are all wanting to fight against one another
over their economic territories...
that holds the actual death of the pan-European ideal
The Eu is surprisingly popular in former eastern bloc nations
but because they could never expand as easily
historically the Catholic VS Orthodox
Holy Roman Empire VS the Polish and RUssians
you know Nazi annexation plans
they were completely different
from American based non-sanctioned warfare
I see 4 main players in Europe TBH,
most of the USA's wars ended up in high controversy
And the uk
that being why the USA became the re-writing of the entire world as more mongrelized
but gave back a lot more
see the issue as well was
Europe didn't evolve as much or as easily
compared to it's medieval period to the imperial age
by the time that happened, with serfdom then slavery then mercantile trade then governments through trade unions... nationalism became slowly a mute point, and that got the historical bias to progress into Kristallnacht
Germany and Poland
Europe didn't need that as much as having developed less imperial tensions globally
that started WW 2
and the Wehrmacht by the way was pure German Aryan by German definition
but they had more so Einsatz Kommandos
mixed stocks of different groups given amnesty and future housing plans throughout Nazi conquered Europe
I think it was really Prussia, because all of contemporary Prussia is in poland
from the Nazis it's a simple issue, it's the curbing of Populism VS Laissez-Faire struggle
that is what led to re-writing everything the wrong way
But because the Prussians took over germany