Message from @uooqs
Discord ID: 423660975003271178
I started looking into it bc there was a website I wanted to make so I'd say stick with JS
🙂 👌
imagine a time when JS didn't exist
I remember that
I think it was the mid to late 90s when people started using Javascript
Ye I think so too
there was also Hot Java but I don't think that lasted long
I still retain a minimal knowledge of html script and maybe some QBasic
Qbasic is out of date
nobody uses that for shit anymore
I used to compile scripts as a kid to pull pranks on my parents. shit was cash
That's cute
yeah but I'm an old fart now
just the other day I started seing a lot of gray in my beard
I always wondered if a midlife crisis would be averted if you never married
My dad went Grey at 25 so I'm paranoid
I think midlife crisis is more of a "wow I'm getting old" thinc
And less of a married thing
sheesh I hope your father isn't my age
He's 55
oh ok
20 years older
Yeee you're OK
my father is 62
I'd be a complete babby if he was your age lol
so basically your father graduated right when MTV took off
Yeah, but he was a hipster music kid
hipster as in?
Only listened to the alt rock or experimental stuff
Can someone give me Fascist, meritocrat, and Christian Catholic
which bands?
@Deleted User sure
Syndicalist and idealist also