Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 423667186612174858
my stepdad bought me Rush Limbaugh books when I was 12
Good. But it’s good to go through a phase of such to understand their mindset
I did lowkey watch Hitler documentaries and serial killer stuff on Discovery and History
but that went out the window when I decided to pick up the guitar
There’s more to this you weren’t telling us lmao
put politics aside to play in bands
Tbh I don’t care much for all the hitler talk
If at all
that was before progressivism started seeping into the punk and metal scenes
once that started sinking in I was like, fuck this shit
It’s been like that for a while tho
I came here to play and enjoy myself not get bullied
feminism ruined the straight-edge scene
but that happened years before I was involved actually, it disappeared for awhile and then came back in the mid 2000s
I'm talking 1985 Revolution Summer
Dischord Records and all that shit
To be honest I can’t stand punk
Seems talentless to me
And hurts my ears
Metal is people just screaming punk is people shouting
only certain strains for me, some discore is fine and a lot of those trolly anti-hardcore bands that used to play noisy crap to annoy mohawk kids
Flipper, early Butthole Surfers, Killdozer, Scratch Acid, Frantix,e tc
@Deleted User you're mom seems talentles
like playing slow on purpose
Oooo oo
putting jazz horns in your band, etc
@uooqs seems you know your judo well
I’ve never heard of any of those bands
yeah but what about synth music?
Butthole surfers
is that cool?
like electronic music
I despise electronic
so um what do you actually enjoy?