Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 423669467835400197
I think you would actual enjoy martial industrial to an extent
You sure about that
What is it?
well its basically industrial + neoclassical music
not metal at all
string arrangements
I listened to some
Some of it is strange
Actually most of it is strange
that's kind of the point
I do my own project similar
And the intensity is sort of the strange part
Good for a movie or video game
dude but what about Mussgorsky, he alone as a composer was the definition of dramatic intense classical music
yeah I mean there's occasional noise elements
in martial industrial
one of my tracks I composed for my project was in a really bizarre time signature
almost sounded like neoclassical prog
Here’s my favorite song at the moment
Better version of it on Spotify by far
sounds like 80s jazz fusion
I hear slight folk
Yeah it is 80s
Or 70s idk
I actually enjoy *some* relaxing stuff. gotta take breaks from intensity sometimes
Atm I’m having troubles listening to my usual music tbh
My head just hurts whenever I listen to my usual stuff
So the calm stuff is nice
do you suffer from migraines by chance?
oh ok
Probably just listening to stuff too much recently
sometimes it be that way
rn I'm in total silence
slight headache