Message from @Alareiks Gloriam
Discord ID: 513932413907501067
@John 313 hm... bye
صراع واحد ، قضية واحدة ☝
ha ha
blame populism
for that shiet
germanophiles BTFO
his jawline was mega thicc
Tbh he needs to wear a hat at all time
what, are you saying he didnt look good enough without one
Just saying it fits him
ah, i see
it does
gangs forcing national pride through national sense of superiority
you have this guy to thank for
>dog charged with a hate crime
Wtf is wrong with this world
alr saw that
liberal faggots
We've reached peak faggotry
it's liberalism
deers standing midway in a road is going to be literally sexual harrament and rape next
Social Jewstice
Anyone who thinks muslims and christians can team up is sincerely not all there
@Deleted User why?
We did team up many times
@revi so you are East Asian, Chinese, Korean or Japanese?
I am Ethiopian
Oh i thought you are half East Asian due to your tags
I lied
I had the first African tag then left and when u regoined