Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 523101158303334402
that med look
and tan
and also, you're referring to Phoenicians as the merchants, Carthage was an actual empire seeking to expand
and Rome wasn't doing it for the Glory that's just gay
it's identical
@Deleted User stop obsessing over phenotypes please it's cringe....
just saying though
>just saying though
Italians and Spanish people generally do not look alike, neither do Spaniards and Greeks, there are phenotypic and genotypic differences in our makeup
and you can usually tell us apart
atleast I certainly can with Italians
just because we're the same shade, doesn't mean we look the same
not all blacks look the same, a person of Omitic descent will look nothing like someone of Khoisian descent
Sub-Saharan africans, sry*
and the haplogroup chart you posted is also fucking cringe...
Greece has a longer history though with migration of different people throughout the Mediterranean, the Mediterranean sea has been a popular trade route since the beginning of human civilisation and an advantage to merchant ships and traders due to being in such a close proximity with other civilisations (such as the Egyptians and Phoenicians)
even by haplogroup, the admixture of E1B1B we have is not the same as yours
also I know it's not just about shade of skin
ours is from a North African genesis
skull shape and facial structure plays a big role in it as well
and Balkan background
don't be a haplotard
because nearly no one knows what they're talking about
Anatolia is in west Asia
so of course
Asia Minor
but that does not necessarily make us Seljuk Turk nomads from central Asia
Seljuk turkic nomads* and no one has ever said that
I only posted one picture with haplogroups, calm down
I'm not a haplotard
i don't like it when people talk out of their ass, that's all.
I can distinguish people through other things such as facial structure as well, there's more to it than just race and skin colour
as you can see with these albino Africans
you can obviously tell
that's it's more to do than with just shade of skin
as you stated earlier
of course
then what is your point
nothing much, I was just stating in those previous pictures that meds seem to look alike despite our genetic differences