Message from @TheBadGoy

Discord ID: 677659303339098112

2020-02-11 12:57:41 UTC  

the most likely coalition, from my read, is Sinn Fein and Fianna Fail, with either the Greens, Labour, or Social Democrats providing C&S

2020-02-11 12:58:19 UTC  

SF and FF are only six seats short of a majority

2020-02-11 12:59:04 UTC  

So the weird pseudo-nationalists won

2020-02-11 16:47:10 UTC  

Like who the world used to have Kings now we have homo liberal democracys

2020-02-11 16:50:07 UTC  

Yup Sinn Fein

2020-02-11 16:50:22 UTC  

Yup Aontu as well

2020-02-11 16:50:38 UTC  

So happy the paki is gonna be gone fuck him

2020-02-11 16:51:35 UTC  

Some communist was running in my area

2020-02-11 16:51:45 UTC  

Dumb bitch got 40 votes

2020-02-11 16:52:02 UTC  

It may not seem it lads

2020-02-11 16:52:11 UTC  

But this is big fuckin news

2020-02-11 16:52:32 UTC  

Finally Irish politics is interesting for once since dev

2020-02-11 16:53:01 UTC  

the Irish elected a right-winger for once so that's news

2020-02-11 17:37:09 UTC  

"It is truly horrible, what has happened. The internet was such a wonderful idea – this place where we could all just share our ideas, in a fully DEMOCRATIC system where a random blogger is potentially as popular as the biggest news outlets in the world.

But alas. That world is gone."

2020-02-11 17:49:44 UTC  

I have a negative emotional reaction whenever someone posts pedophile news stories, does that mean I should advocate to have them removed and the writers humiliated because of feelings?

2020-02-12 11:22:21 UTC  

"I’m not sure who the people who hung around thinking about Andrew Yang are, but I’m certain they were not his natural constituency, which was right-wing white men. Basically, everyone who isn’t a white man is getting $1,000 a month from the government already."

2020-02-13 10:37:00 UTC  

"I obviously don’t claim to know the truth of the case. But what I did notice is the biography of one of the figurants, Arman Sagynbaev. He is like a walking antifa stereotype, and I don’t just mean the physiognomy. He has a mystery meat background – while the mother is Russian ('Elena Strigina'), his full name suggests a Kazakh/Kyrgyz father (patronymic: Dauletovich). He appears to have become an anarchist after some nationalist Chads beat him up in high school. He was a vegan and ran some kind of vegan food business in Saint-Petersburg. And he was in the third stage of HIV."

2020-02-13 23:34:45 UTC  

"That would be The Jean-Francois Gariepy Method. Here he is last night vowing to work with antifa to get Mr. Fuentes banned from every platform he can think of. To say this is pathetic would be an understatement. And although I don’t advocate it myself, to me, this is a greenlight to flag JF on every fucking service that exists. He that’s pompous, that poisonous, that disgusting."

2020-02-13 23:36:08 UTC  

Gayrapey is at it again

2020-02-13 23:40:15 UTC  

What's JF's beef with Fuentes? Does it go back to the Warski live days or something?

2020-02-13 23:41:38 UTC  

Ga-Rapey and Spencer have done a dozen streams accusing Fuentes of being gay and Fuentes did one stream where he fired back and called Ga-Rapey a retard fucker

2020-02-13 23:42:47 UTC  

Gayrapey fucks potatoes like how white girls fuck dogs

2020-02-13 23:42:56 UTC  

I mean, there are a lot of streamers that blatantly mock both of them relentlessly and without hesitation. What makes Fuentes so special? Because he has a big audience and influences people to act IRL?

2020-02-13 23:45:32 UTC  

Ga-Rapey and Spencer have been seething with envy at how Fuentes has blown past them in terms of popularity and relevance

2020-02-13 23:45:47 UTC  

Spencer in particular is jealous of the fact that Fuentes is doing everything he wants to do

2020-02-13 23:46:37 UTC  

oh yeah: in that same clip where Fuentes fires back at Ga-Rapey and Spencer, he formally disavows the weird shit that Lolisocks does

2020-02-13 23:46:55 UTC  

also I found out from insiders that Lolisocks has a girlfriend

2020-02-13 23:47:41 UTC  

so my initial suspicion was proven right: that the "Fuentes is secretly gay" smear was bullshit

2020-02-13 23:48:35 UTC  

and really given that Spencer got fucked up the ass by Jack Donovan and his homosexuality has been an open secret in the movement for years he's the last person who should be calling anyone gay

2020-02-13 23:52:58 UTC  

Nick told JF his teeth are yellow

2020-02-13 23:53:17 UTC  

Being Jealous of someone is not an excuse to ruin someone's life.

2020-02-13 23:53:41 UTC  

Not the first time he tried to ruin someone's life

2020-02-13 23:53:57 UTC  

Remember Julian Von Abele?

2020-02-13 23:54:18 UTC  

I know. I've never heard of that person, no.

2020-02-13 23:55:00 UTC  

Von Abele was the Columbia student at the end of 2018 who went on a rant about how white people should be proud to be white

2020-02-13 23:55:08 UTC  

nonwhite students tried to cancel him

2020-02-13 23:55:24 UTC  

He basically said "I love white people" on college and JF was calling him a cuck if he wouldn't associate with a show that had Duke and Spencer as guests

2020-02-13 23:55:36 UTC  

Also what Matt said

2020-02-13 23:55:37 UTC  

the alt-right tried to exploit him; Ga-Rapey tried to get him on his show, then when Von Abele declined, Ga-Rapey did a stream insulting him