Message from @Desimated

Discord ID: 483704451543203840

2018-08-27 17:05:08 UTC  

Yeah if someone eats a baby then that's awful

2018-08-27 17:05:29 UTC  

But I think it's generally hard for a human to convince another human to do that with them.

2018-08-27 17:05:47 UTC  

i dont want the world to just pass the whip anymore, im done with it... i dont want all of this amazing growth to just turn into the salam witch trials... there has to be a way to find the middle

2018-08-27 17:06:16 UTC  

and keep closer to that middle without getting lost in the appeal of victumhood and virtue seeking

2018-08-27 17:06:30 UTC  

Well I think a decent start would be to stop accusing so many people of pedophilia.

2018-08-27 17:06:39 UTC  

That seems to be big here.

2018-08-27 17:06:51 UTC  

those are appealing, its nice getting dotted over and taken care of, just as its nice feeling proud and strong that you helped someone... but in the end... it just breeds resentments

2018-08-27 17:07:47 UTC  

Yeah alright dude I'm gonna sign off but let's talk again sometime.

2018-08-27 17:07:54 UTC  

Hope you take care

2018-08-27 17:09:04 UTC  

thanks, same to you cpt

2018-08-27 17:25:10 UTC  

just as a side note to everyone - within the Q drops "Pedo" is only noted 4 times in total written by the Q team... these reference their take down of the Pedo network or highlighting pedo messaging on antifa banners.. but nothing stating a call to action towards someone

2018-08-27 17:41:00 UTC  

@Captain Bradley The first mistake you made was trying to think like them. How could someone do that to a baby? First of all these people are demonic and they view humans as cattle, or vermin. They don have human emotion. They dont even see another human being when they look at you. And yes they eat babies they have since the beginning of recorded human history they are just good at making everyone think thats ridiculous. And that's really all they have to do.

2018-08-27 17:41:45 UTC  

Ya there are more good people than bad that doesnt mean these people dont exist and at the very peak of power in our society.

2018-08-27 17:45:57 UTC  

its no different then a sociopath or someone who tortures pets in brutal methods and finds enjoyment it in...

2018-08-27 17:46:10 UTC  

i sure dont understand those people but one things for sure, they exist

2018-08-27 17:47:29 UTC  

Read some books by former FBI station chief Ted Gunderson He's been talking about this since the mid 1980s man this isnt anything new.

2018-08-27 17:57:12 UTC  

and this is why we have to say IF, because there is information to showcase that its factual and real! We haven't seen videos (thank god) but we cant also say because of that, its non-existent and pretend we know the inner workings of every human being on this planet.... i mean ffs, they sacrifice albino babies in south African tribes! how can we sit here and think that is an impossibility when its a fact! our bleeding heart and love for one another is not an excuse to pretend there are those who think and feel differently because it would be "heartless" in our limited perceptions

2018-08-27 18:02:28 UTC  

fun / light hearted story: On the weekend i was walking with my little doggo and a little girl came up to me and asked if she could pet him... i said she could try but hes shy! eventually she did pet him but i had to help her reach that extra 1" to touch my dog (its as if she was worried that he would actually be real?) and she asked me a whole buncha questions, and i did my best to answer them.

As i walked away back home her (grandma i think) guardian said "i know, shes a motor mouth, always asking questions blah blah blah"
i responded saying "that's a good thing! she should be asking questions about the world she lives in"
The guardian said: "i like that, i really really like that, thank you"

its amazing how quick people are to apologize for another, how quick they are to associate a negative to something that is purely human nature and important toward development.

2018-08-27 18:22:21 UTC  

And ya OBVIOUSLY it isnt restricted to one party or another Franklin scandal coverup in the first Bush WH anyone? These people dont care about political affiliation its part of the game they play.

2018-08-27 18:25:32 UTC  

exactly, this is not about party affiliation at all... this is a movement to promote facts and awareness of the world one lives in. No longer will we let TV brainwash us... you can believe or not believe in Q but you are fool to think that the existence of Q has not had an impact on you if you go to the lengths of coming into chat here / doing research for yourself.

2018-08-27 18:28:48 UTC  

this is a wake up call to all of us, and you don't have to agree with everyone to be more awake then you've ever been

2018-08-27 18:51:52 UTC

2018-08-27 18:51:55 UTC  


2018-08-27 18:52:10 UTC  

the balls on those people, god bless them

2018-08-27 19:29:31 UTC  

Holy shit that's amazing

2018-08-27 20:49:40 UTC  

@Captain Bradley - Have never really seen you around before... Q brought me here... what brought you here?

2018-08-27 20:57:46 UTC  

probably wanted to agitate and get emotional responses.... nothing to see here @Irshmun 😛

2018-08-27 21:06:38 UTC  

Aww... come on - let a cat play with it's prey will ya?! I never get to have any fun..ha!

2018-08-27 21:10:12 UTC  

you'ed just be feeding into the outcome they seek, don't fall for it you frisky feline!

2018-08-27 21:13:17 UTC  

I might surprise you... been at this for a little while. "See something say something"... all good in the jungle.

2018-08-27 21:16:37 UTC  

fair enough 😃

2018-08-27 21:17:02 UTC  

how goes your day?

2018-08-27 21:22:03 UTC  

This will definitely not shut MSM up but it will allow for a good wake up call to those who claim he didnt give no name respect

2018-08-27 21:27:38 UTC  

Some say that the McCain saga/Jacksonville FF shooting designed to shadow and blot out the Ireland trip and calls for resignation. I firmly believe that a lot of this goes back to 2013 The Institute For Works of Religion... aka The Vatican Bank - money laundering/corruption investigation, hush money/pedo blackmail, etc(?) those crafty jesuits they invented the concept of "pay to play".... and obviously well beyond ie: Franklin Cover up in Omaha, DC, Embassy Row, the UN, and eventually Rome.

2018-08-27 21:32:21 UTC  

Day was bueno... thanks for asking. Congrats on new digs.. btw.

2018-08-27 21:46:05 UTC  

thanks! pumped, get the keys on wednesday 😄

2018-08-27 21:47:38 UTC  

grrr... jesuits... buncha judas - its almost ironic that the names all align to the one the back stabbed jesus

2018-08-27 21:49:26 UTC  

On that note... going to DM you something of relevance/interest.