Message from @Mary Poppins

Discord ID: 492176349658873856

2018-09-20 03:26:22 UTC  

its okay @Mary Poppins , i think we've all been rocked somewhere along this journey

2018-09-20 03:28:05 UTC  

if you have a hard time believing it now, just let it linger back there in the "what if crazy possibility" section of your mind, but dont fully shut it away because if we know one thing through all of this, is that we have NO FKN IDEA whats going on on the bigger picture lol

2018-09-20 03:28:10 UTC  

@Relic 1776 I agree with you, I have thought it was a cruise missile for a long time. It would be tough to land a plane right into a building for an inexperienced pilot. Even perhaps an experienced pilot.

2018-09-20 03:28:14 UTC  

so, best to be open

2018-09-20 03:28:44 UTC  

Gettin crazy!

2018-09-20 03:28:53 UTC  

Q anon had a Q and A like a month into him posting on 4chan before 8chan

2018-09-20 03:29:06 UTC  


2018-09-20 03:29:36 UTC  

@Bleezer exactly

2018-09-20 03:29:38 UTC  

Guys i was there the first day monitoring the chans looking for cool stuff

2018-09-20 03:29:41 UTC  

then there it was

2018-09-20 03:29:52 UTC  

I was a 4chanfag

2018-09-20 03:29:53 UTC  


2018-09-20 03:30:08 UTC  

@Desimated I think back, waaay back to FBI Anon and how he said the populace would lose it if they let everything out. You are right and I will file it until I can make better sense of it.

2018-09-20 03:30:53 UTC  

@Bleezer me too!

2018-09-20 03:31:04 UTC  

its a;; we can do @Mary Poppins , do that, and try to build questions on "how" and "why" ... and avoid thoughts that push ideas out as unreasonable / impossible... those are just limiters

2018-09-20 03:31:18 UTC  

Hes done Q and A before and he only anounces it right before he does it because he tried once to schedule one and the boards got DDoSed so bad

2018-09-20 03:32:01 UTC  

yes, i think this is his third... max 4th Q&A *but i might be wrong*

2018-09-20 03:32:10 UTC  

I saw and read so much about all this that I can’t discount the drops. Q originally just dropped on 4chan and it was overlookable but so odd, I screen shot it.

2018-09-20 03:32:39 UTC  

@FrostyCrits Great video find. Wish people here would invest the time to enhance their enlightenment by watching concise videos like this. 5 minutes, sheesh

2018-09-20 03:33:04 UTC  

@Mary Poppins your going to want to print that and frame it one day haha

2018-09-20 03:33:05 UTC  

He’s done at least two other Q&As

2018-09-20 03:33:47 UTC  

Well, I deleted a lot off my phone but I think (and hope) it went to my desktop through cloud.

2018-09-20 03:34:06 UTC  

@Relic 1776 Heres a longer one with a lot more detail

2018-09-20 03:37:22 UTC  

Here’s the FBI Anon posts from 4chan that one of the Amin fags saved on pastebin. I like to go back and reread for facts that have come out

2018-09-20 04:20:12 UTC  

Sorry, back, but got to crash for the night

2018-09-20 04:20:17 UTC  


2018-09-20 04:35:09 UTC  

@FrostyCrits Did the entire thing and it is good. Very few peeps will invest the time (56 min) but thanks for posting the link. Good, esp linking Cheney Rumsfeld Bush and Condi.....

2018-09-20 04:36:15 UTC  

@Relic 1776 yw, ya it is quite long. But very informative

2018-09-20 04:38:25 UTC  

Is, I took it all in. To introduce, though, go with the earlier 5 minute version

2018-09-20 04:38:48 UTC  

lol, yup

2018-09-20 04:39:17 UTC  


2018-09-20 04:54:03 UTC  

I know, it's a repost, but most don't scroll up

2018-09-20 04:55:02 UTC  

Sorry, not a plane...

2018-09-20 05:01:01 UTC  

187 is the kill / suicided code right?

2018-09-20 05:01:26 UTC  


2018-09-20 05:02:27 UTC  

I live in WI. Thought of getting personalized plates. WWG1WGA already taken. 😦

2018-09-20 05:02:58 UTC  


2018-09-20 05:03:31 UTC  

Figger a workaround

2018-09-20 05:03:46 UTC

2018-09-20 05:04:04 UTC  

Not sure