Message from @Vince Edwards

Discord ID: 506521085198729217

2018-10-29 17:17:46 UTC  

Loving veritas

2018-10-29 17:18:08 UTC  

@Riggy17 (UK) no i'mnot.. and you REALLY need to read up on the facts and who are the players.

2018-10-29 17:18:30 UTC  

Amazing they've gotten away with the two face stuff for so long.

2018-10-29 17:20:09 UTC  

Thoughts on a public run/funded social media network? (Volunteer donations) government run would be public space officially.

2018-10-29 17:20:44 UTC  

It could compete with the private sector.

2018-10-29 17:21:53 UTC  

Wouldn't be able to delete anything without a court order.

2018-10-29 17:23:25 UTC  

Government (volunteer funded projects) could be used to spur on competition instead of slamming folks with anti trust.

2018-10-29 17:23:45 UTC  

But jews protest against ultra Zionists @LowLandsPete so they also in my opinion are just victims .. I am not around religion enough to look at much other than Islam mate the rest are being wiped out by the day .. jews are 2% of the world maximum are they not .. I know you know more on jews than me so I will not waste your time on it as I know little

2018-10-29 17:26:45 UTC  

At what point does the lone MAGA bomber narrative fall apart. Just curious.

2018-10-29 17:27:16 UTC  

Free rail this AM

2018-10-29 17:27:28 UTC  


2018-10-29 17:28:54 UTC  

I mean for the sheep herders...

2018-10-29 17:29:24 UTC  

At what point do you realize this crap will no longer sell?

2018-10-29 17:30:29 UTC  

Obama can't fill a gym but control of house is a toss up. That one my reality receptors are having an extremely difficult time processing...

2018-10-29 17:31:25 UTC  

Yea just blew another fuse trying to reprocess...

2018-10-29 17:32:04 UTC  

Oh no anger anymore just documenting.

2018-10-29 17:32:25 UTC  

I'd be dead if I still got angry.

2018-10-29 17:32:53 UTC  

Those of use who still have the right.

2018-10-29 17:33:10 UTC  

I'll do what I can otherwise.

2018-10-29 17:33:37 UTC  

I hear ya, me too, been agenda analyzing for 40 years...

2018-10-29 17:33:57 UTC  

Got me by ten about 30 here.

2018-10-29 17:34:27 UTC  

Most censored on youtube

2018-10-29 17:34:50 UTC  

Plz sub :-)

2018-10-29 17:34:51 UTC  

you are not far off in saying the "jew" is also a victim in this.. but at this point many choose too, the easy ones are the zionist jews anyone can become a zionist jew,, thats a political movement hiding behind the jewish religion with a lot of actual jews in it.. guys like tommy robbinson are zionist.. They have created the fake victim role the jews play and using israel as a Godly plan they have to for fill their ultimate goal the new world order .. directed from the state of Israel (Babylon rising) under one God and Baphomet or Baal or Satan or Aliens what ever you like to call it... To a Talmud Jew, you as a non jew are of less value than cattle.. @Riggy17 (UK) but these are just the basics.

2018-10-29 17:35:16 UTC  

I'm out for a bit

2018-10-29 17:35:59 UTC  

Where to find me :-)

2018-10-29 17:37:37 UTC  

I probably should mention the Ashkenazim jews too... they run hollywood.

2018-10-29 17:38:00 UTC  

among other things

2018-10-29 17:41:24 UTC  

Thanks mate @LowLandsPete I get the new world orders side but i feel as tho the ordinary Jew will be forced to follow the more extreme practices if new world order was to come in to play so I only view them as equal to us unless they are willing to go all out .. it’s just when you sayd people can’t join as in the U.K. tommy Robinson claims he is jew/Zionist and gets a hard time but my belief is his wife is a born jew and he has joined .. would this make sense to you ?

2018-10-29 17:44:51 UTC  

So you think he’s using this for political gain ?

2018-10-29 17:45:33 UTC  

@Riggy17 (UK) ..and the Muslims... are not smart and organized enough too pull of these terror attacks .. when you do some research you soon find out that the Mossad has a heavy hand in organizing these groups... i'm not saying it's the religion of peace but when it comes to terror in the west.. in reality they don't stand a chance.. Remember to a Jew you are a Goy just like a muslim they don't see any difference cattle is cattle. so they destroy our culture with theirs and the ones pulling the strings are safe playing the victim.

2018-10-29 17:49:45 UTC  

Sorry to barge in ... just want to share the press conference

2018-10-29 17:50:13 UTC  

I didn’t know jews viewed us as cattle mate 👌 .. yeh I understand and terror etc they are not at the level to master this mate they are not very smart .. but on low level they buy up property and pay them with unemployment muslims living in them rent free .. so they have manipulated our market and Saudi now have the most powerful say on property over here and because they mainly marry there first cousins they are usually disabled.. they take so much tax payers money it’s beyond belief .. where as Jews at street level don’t have the man power to achieve this @LowLandsPete

2018-10-29 17:55:20 UTC  

@Riggy17 (UK) Robbinson is a zionist working on the agenda to shut down free speech .. the way it works is always opposite of what the MSM and Alt Media is telling you. He is jumping in the loop hole and "they" shut them off. We are not talking about your average jew around the corner obviously.. That is like saying every Catholic rapes children so don't be silly. And yes if you are NOT a jew you are cattle.. THEY are gods chosen not us... it's in their books that is their belief.

2018-10-29 17:56:16 UTC

2018-10-29 17:56:31 UTC  

and thats an old Talmud,

2018-10-29 17:57:21 UTC

2018-10-29 17:57:38 UTC  

every jew knows this

2018-10-29 17:59:00 UTC  

DOJ opened a new Hate Crime website. Check the case examples page, Feb. 28th case, lulz.