Message from @Springjack
Discord ID: 511255757006569477
Today is huge for awakening it seems as Q promised; the 11th. Should be an interesting week...
I seen a article today France has a zero age for sexual consent now
We already know the Podesta brothers have sealed indictments ready to be unsealed; can't wait to see the rest, including 10K+ in California alone.
Getting the popcorn ready now...
@Muscal1inNM did you see there is a mosque built where the 1000 people where raped on New Year’s Day
Yes as was one built near 911 NY site.. Christians turn other cheek.. Slow sharia =jihad.. the UN agenda 2030 is right on target
Didn't someone say there's supposed to be mass arrests today or something?
A blackout?
@Riggy17 (UK) Not quite true. There are limits, but 14 year olds can consent.
The arrests will begin this week, or at least prosecutions.
We gotta' turn this around and quick
watched Perception Deception at her youtube channel = Malibu fires and UN Agenda2030 for CA also right on schedule..
It’s built where the rapes happened so it will remind them every day .. it’s a mega mosque aswel and turkeys President come over for the opening 🖕
Problem is 50 million aborted would-be American babies in recent years has been filled in by 50 million illegals that vote demoncrat.
Thanks @fishyculture I just seen one article not looked at it all yet but it will head towards sharia ages or if not sharia courts will keep popping up more and more we already have them
And with supreme court judge Kavanaugh, the globalists have a plan to work around abortions; giving out free abortion pills...
Yep. The whole "gay agenda' is about normalizing pedophilia. They really do not care about homosexual's rights...
COMPLIANT CALIFORNIA since 90’s under Clinton Somali war victims allowed in by Red cross to San Diego. all it took /takes is about 20 years one generation to make their jihad
Gay agenda is also to depopulate
The left are idiots .. in U.K. they fight for Islam and lgbtq .. as soon as Islam has Sharia areas lgbtq will get fucked up .. and they back them fully not knowing this
Sure, and to break family ties in general. When the plan is evil, it is all good to them.
I wonder how many leftists even like getting raped by Muslims migrants or fantasize about it; I wouldn't doubt it know how they think...
What an absolutely sick world we live in
Most are probably too stupid to know the consequences of mass migration
Yep, have a gay friend who KNOWS me, knows better, but insists homophobia is the only reason people object to trans rights. I am a retired medical professional. I tell her "Some day "Susie" will show up with the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer. Shall I continue to pretend Susie is a girl?" She will not reply.
It's sick what's involved with such operations; can't believe that's even legal.
Watched youtube yesterday channel by James M under short clip less than 5 minutes.. Firestorm in Los Angeles title Shows a guy in MIMIC? weather satellite showing CA a day before fires and one slight anomaly up near Sierras.
the it cuts out, they cut him off..
They get raped quite a lot trying to help them and it’s not until then the realise they have fucked up badly I see lots of pro Islam/immigration activists being raped after pushing it for years .. it’s simple we need to put some money into there country’s and fix them they can never fit into western ways with there beliefs
James Munder channel
#FreezeSorosFunds might be a small act of “kindness”
Be sure you eat before watching that, even though it's just a cartoon...
I also have an ex-nephew-in-law who is now a "woman" and wants the kids to call him "Mom." My niece risked her life to give that bastard sons, that is how much respect he has for what REAL women do for the men they love...
Lots of gays on our television pushing for migration I don’t get why they can’t also see it .. or if they just putting a show on 👎