Message from @Duke of Txtspeak

Discord ID: 669869574723862565

2020-01-23 11:36:36 UTC

2020-01-23 11:36:41 UTC  

"In plant"

2020-01-23 11:36:49 UTC  

well i'm fluent in swedish and english too but i am pretty sure in plant doesn't make any sense

2020-01-23 11:37:04 UTC  

Does that sentence make sense in Swedish?

2020-01-23 11:37:11 UTC  

Or is it just complete nonsense

2020-01-23 11:37:29 UTC  

well it does make sense but personally i've not seen that word used like that until now

2020-01-23 11:37:46 UTC  

Can you describe it in the loong way?

2020-01-23 11:37:52 UTC  


2020-01-23 11:38:03 UTC  

i'm not sure of the exact meaning, but i found articles referencing it in the context of a rifle

2020-01-23 11:38:13 UTC  


2020-01-23 11:39:06 UTC  

the context i found in said article is you try to make an "anläggning" with your weapon while closing your eyes, having a buddy shine a light through the sight towards your eye to see if the beam lines up or not

2020-01-23 11:39:37 UTC  

i think it might have to do with lining up the stock

2020-01-23 11:39:47 UTC  

Like sighting in your rifle?

2020-01-23 11:39:59 UTC  

yeah lining up the stock so you kinda like

2020-01-23 11:40:02 UTC  

fit with your head to aim

2020-01-23 11:41:10 UTC  

So, if I translated that line as "A sighted rifle is a hasty death, Calibre .30-06" would that work you think?

2020-01-23 11:42:10 UTC  


2020-01-23 11:42:11 UTC  


2020-01-23 11:42:12 UTC  

for sure

2020-01-23 11:42:20 UTC  


2020-01-23 11:42:32 UTC  

This is probably gonna be the only decent translation of this song in the world

2020-01-23 11:42:37 UTC  

lmao yeah

2020-01-23 11:58:08 UTC  
2020-01-23 11:58:16 UTC  

Can you have a look at this verse too?

2020-01-23 11:58:16 UTC  

Ni ser oss som en lägre kast, som inte passar in.
Med hög volym, i mossy oak och tatuerat skinn.
Vad rör oss erat dravel om, nån' mode vernissage.
Överleva gör man trots allt bäst
I kamoflauge!

2020-01-23 12:16:55 UTC  

oh sure

2020-01-23 12:20:32 UTC  

you see us as a lower caste, that doesn't fit in
with high volume in mossy oak and tattooed skin
what affects us is your drivel about, some fashion vernissage
after all, one does survive best
in camouflage

2020-01-23 12:20:37 UTC  
2020-01-23 13:28:12 UTC  

@Den Röda Smurfen Still there?

2020-01-23 14:28:53 UTC  


2020-01-23 14:28:55 UTC  
2020-01-23 14:29:25 UTC  

Där nödgas jag att hävda med ständigt hårda ord
att för jägaren finns byten, överallt på våran jord.
Där inne dväljas damerna med djupt dekolletage
Och jaga gör en man ju tveklöst bäst
I kamouflage!

2020-01-23 14:29:27 UTC  


2020-01-23 14:40:36 UTC  

one sec

2020-01-23 14:46:55 UTC  

there i was forced to argue with harsh words
because for the hunter there is prey, everywhere on our earth
in there the ladies mess with one with deep cleavage? this line is a bit difficult
and hunt is what a man does undoubtedly best
in camouflage

2020-01-23 14:46:56 UTC  
2020-01-23 14:47:07 UTC  

the line is a bit difficult since djävlas is usually to mess with someone

2020-01-23 14:47:10 UTC  

like fuck around with someone

2020-01-23 14:47:10 UTC  


2020-01-23 14:47:19 UTC  

and yeah it gets a bit tough to translate that bit

2020-01-23 14:47:41 UTC  

and in the first line you can probably use any synonyms of argue which you feel fit better